Münster, Germany (Evangelische Freikirche am Bohlweg) & Syke (Twelve Stones Europe), Germany

Syke Brief Scope of Ministry: This team will participate in a Seminar Day with the Gruening’s local church, as well as a Youth Night. Additionally, we will help serve the Gruening family to prepare their property for their biblical counseling ministry.  The team will also make house visits to members in the church to care for any spiritual needs they may have.

Münster Brief Scope of Ministry (Life Camp): This team will also participate in a Seminar Day with the Buulteman’s local church. This team will be involved in a summer camp for teenagers from age 13-16. We will be active in helping execute games, discipleship, and any other needs the leadership has.

Dates: August 8th-18th

Price: $1,995

Max attendance to Syke: 11

Max attendance to Münster: 5

Age Limit: 18 and up

For more information on the Bütlemanns and Gruenings, go to the “Ministry Partners” section at the bottom of the Witness page.