Young Adults

Redeemer Young Adults is a movement of 18 to 29-year-olds seeking to live as disciples of Jesus Christ with God’s Word as the model. We are a family united around the goal of multiplying and maturing more followers of Jesus. Along the way we are committed to doing life with one another with Acts 2: 42-47 (the fellowship of the believers) as a model of how we should live, and having a good time doing it!


The typical Wednesday happens from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM at the church. The Young Adult worship team kicks the night off in praise to our King, then Justin Schlabach (Young Adults Director) or another speaker will give a message which is followed by men’s and women’s discipleship groups. These groups are led by trained and mature young adults. We meet in the Ministry Center. You can enter through Door 11 on the left side of the building. Flags will guide you on the way in.

RYA Stories

Before giving my life over to Christ, my life was full of hypocrisy. I grew up in the church, knew all the answers, acted as though I was a believer, but my heart and mind was rancid. It wasn’t until I started coming to Young Adults that this truth was revealed to me and all of that head knowledge I had accumulated since I was a child came crashing down into my heart. It wasn’t one individual person at Young Adults that changed me, but the presence of the Holy Spirit working through the group as a whole. At Young Adults you will find a group of broken individuals wholeheartedly running after the Lord. You may find yourself confessing sin that you never would have dreamed of telling another soul, and instead of pushback, you will be welcomed in, directed up to Christ, and embraced by the Gospel. You are considered family here at Young Adults.

- Christian Sickmeier

Brett Trammell - Seminary Resident

Please take a few minutes to fill out the form below. Brett will get in touch with you in the next couple of business days to answer any questions you may have and to send you the address of where the young adults meet. He will also help you get connected to a discipleship group within Young Adults.