Welcome to Redeemer!

We’re so happy you’re here! Whether this is your first time visiting or you’ve called Redeemer your home for a few months now, we want to help you get connected to our church body! Below you’ll find Next Steps from visiting the Welcome Center, to getting plugged in as a member of Redeemer Bible Church!

First Time Visitors

We would love to meet you at our Welcome Center this Sunday! Visit us on the left side of the lobby across from the Worship Center. We’ll see you there!


Step 1: Connect

Once a month our team gathers in the prayer room after both services to meet those who are new to Redeemer. In these 10 minutes we share the mission of our church and spend some time getting to know you. We really hope to see you there!


Step 2: Consider

Once every other month we meet for 60 minutes during second service to dive into who we are as a church, what we believe, and how the Lord has asked us to live in light of that. You’ll get to meet other new families and connect with members of our church. Breakfast is provided so please make sure to let us know you’re coming!


Step 3: Commit

Every other month our elders gather together during second service to teach on membership: how it's biblical, why it's important, and what it means for you at Redeemer. If you decide to pursue membership we ask you to fill out our Membership Form and meet with an elder. We ask prior to coming to Step 3, you attend Step 2. See the link above to register for our next one!


Step 4: Commission

Three times a year we gather on Sunday morning during service and commission our new members into the body. Afterwards our elders and spouses celebrate the commissioning by fellowshipping with the new members over a meal. Prior to Step 4, we ask you to attend Step 3.