To the Women of the Household
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
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1 Timothy 6 | How do you find contentment? This passage tells us godliness with contentment is great gain. How do we experience that life of great gain? In this passage, we will unpack the heart, threat, pursuit, and practices of one who is living a life content in the Lord.
1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 | Honor seems to be a big deal to God. Three times in this part of 1 Timothy we are told to honor certain groups of people in the household of God: widows, elders, and masters. This week, we look at what it looks like to honor the authority God has put over us in the church and in the workplace. To obey God by honoring those He calls us to ultimately honors Him as the Most Honorable One. So let's look together this week at how to honor elders and bosses.
1 Timothy 5:3-16 | From cover to cover in the Bible, this is very clear: God has a huge heart for the care of widows. In this week's passage, we get clear instructions from God's Word on how the widows of our household are to be cared for. If this is such a big deal to God, it must be a big deal for God's household. Let's understand what all this passage says so our hearts match God's heart in the care of our widows.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 | One of the most beautiful and often taken for granted times is when the many generations of a family gather together. The joy of a loving family interacting cross-generationally often turns out to be some of our riches memories in life. If we are a family as God’s household, we must know how the gospel shapes us to interact cross-generationally. This week’s passage guides each generation of the family to love one another like family.
1 Timothy 4:6-16 | We all desire to be good servants of Christ, but do we know the costliness to which a good servant of Christ is called? Are we prepared for the life of diligence and discipline Jesus calls his servants to? Do we know what we must train in to steward the call to follow Jesus? Empowered by His grace, we look at the High Call To Christ’s Servants
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | Paul warns that in later times some will depart from the faith and be led astray by gospel undermining lies. This later time he talked about is our time now. What are the means of grace God has given us to cling to truth in the whirlwind of lies? This passage will guide us into the pillars of truth in the whirlwind of gospel undermining lies.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | What comes to mind when you hear the word deacon varies widely based on your past church experience: from never having heard the term, to viewing deacons as those that care for the facility and provide food, to experiencing the deacons as the governing body of a church. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy so that “you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God.” (1 Timothy 3:15) So regardless of our past experiences, or even church tradition, we want to ensure we are following God’s model for the role of deacon in the household of God. And what we will find when studying the text of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also looking at a story in Acts 6:1-7, is that when deacons serve well in the household of God, needs are met, the Word is proclaimed, and the body is unified.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Healthy households have healthy leadership. The household of God must be led by leaders God calls and qualifies for the task. So who are the overseers of the house to be? And how do we know who is qualified for the task? These seven verses from 1 Timothy provide the answers for us.
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.