4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

A 4W Church

Acts 11:19-30 | We've talked about what 4W lives look like, but what does it look like when God gathers and unifies 4W lives to make up a 4W church? What characterizes a church like that? We look to the church at Antioch in the book of Acts to take our cues of what we can look like as we seek to faithfully live out God's calling of being a 4W church.


Acts 11:19-30 | We've talked about what 4W lives look like, but what does it look like when God gathers and unifies 4W lives to make up a 4W church? What characterizes a church like that? We look to the church at Antioch in the book of Acts to take our cues of what we can look like as we seek to faithfully live out God's calling of being a 4W church.


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4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Witness for Christ

Romans 10:13-17 | Our passage this week demands a response. All Bible passages do, but we feel the intensity of Paul's logic as he flows it out in Romans 10. How will people believe in what they have never heard? How will they hear unless someone tells them?

The answer: They won't.

But they must.

So we must go with the gospel.


Romans 10:13-17 | Our passage this week demands a response. All Bible passages do, but we feel the intensity of Paul's logic as he flows it out in Romans 10. How will people believe in what they have never heard? How will they hear unless someone tells them?

The answer: They won't.

But they must.

So we must go with the gospel.


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4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Working for Christ

1 Peter 4:7–11 | How did Jesus say that the world would know we are his disciples? By our love for one another. When we talk about working for Christ here at Redeemer we are talking about the stewardship of all God has given us to lovingly and sacrificially serve the body of Christ.

In 1 Peter 4, we come across a back-to-back-to-back list of one another's that can shape the way we work for Christ. What could happen if these 3 "one another's" took root in our hearts and shaped the way we lovingly and sacrificially serve the body?


1 Peter 4:7–11 | How did Jesus say that the world would know we are his disciples? By our love for one another. When we talk about working for Christ here at Redeemer we are talking about the stewardship of all God has given us to lovingly and sacrificially serve the body of Christ.

In 1 Peter 4, we come across a back-to-back-to-back list of one another's that can shape the way we work for Christ. What could happen if these 3 "one another's" took root in our hearts and shaped the way we lovingly and sacrificially serve the body?


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4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Abiding Walk

John 15:1–11 | Walking with Christ is the daily rhythm of abiding in Christ that leads to increasing Christlikeness. So what does this abiding look like? How do we walk in a way that abides? Thankfully Jesus invites us into the joy of an abiding walk with Him, and He teaches us what that abiding looks like. Let's gather around John 15 and let Him call us into a vibrant, abiding walk with Him.

Check out these Walk resources to dive deeper into what it looks like to walk with Christ.


John 15:1–11 | Walking with Christ is the daily rhythm of abiding in Christ that leads to increasing Christlikeness. So what does this abiding look like? How do we walk in a way that abides? Thankfully Jesus invites us into the joy of an abiding walk with Him, and He teaches us what that abiding looks like. Let's gather around John 15 and let Him call us into a vibrant, abiding walk with Him.

Check out these Walk resources to dive deeper into what it looks like to walk with Christ.


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4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Well-Going Worship

John 4:1–45 | Worship.

What is it? We all have this general sense, but then you go to define it and it can be hard to encapsulate in a string of words with a period at the end.

Followers of Jesus are worshippers of Jesus. We must have an understanding of what it means to worship him. Fortunately for us, Jesus met a worship-thirsty sinner at a well one day and convicted her of her wrong worship, taught her on right worship, and offered himself to her as the means and end of her worship.  

And so we get the joy of letting Jesus meet our worship-thirsty hearts, convict us of any wrong worship, define what is right worship, and enjoy him as the source of the living water our hearts long for.

Check out these Worship resources to dive deeper into what it looks like to worship Christ.


John 4:1–45 | Worship.

What is it? We all have this general sense, but then you go to define it and it can be hard to encapsulate in a string of words with a period at the end.

Followers of Jesus are worshippers of Jesus. We must have an understanding of what it means to worship him. Fortunately for us, Jesus met a worship-thirsty sinner at a well one day and convicted her of her wrong worship, taught her on right worship, and offered himself to her as the means and end of her worship.  

And so we get the joy of letting Jesus meet our worship-thirsty hearts, convict us of any wrong worship, define what is right worship, and enjoy him as the source of the living water our hearts long for.

Check out these Worship resources to dive deeper into what it looks like to worship Christ.


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4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 4W Life, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

All Consuming Love

Matthew 22:34–40 | We know we are to love God. And we know that we are to love him with a wholehearted love. We strive toward this as we grow in our walk with Jesus day by day, that we would love God more today than we did yesterday. That our love for him is deepened more next week than it was this week.

To be a disciple of Jesus is to be falling more and more into a wholehearted love of God.

Here at Redeemer, our whole mission is to glorify God by making disciples. We say that disciples of Jesus worship Christ, walk with Christ, work for Christ, and witness for Christ. These 4 W's are more than core values for our church or catchy slogans to paint on walls. These 4 W's define what a life of wholehearted love and devotion for God looks like. So this Sunday we begin our series called "The 4W Life" to seek to become the wholehearted, all-in, fully devoted lovers of God and people that Jesus calls us to be.


Matthew 22:34–40 | We know we are to love God. And we know that we are to love him with a wholehearted love. We strive toward this as we grow in our walk with Jesus day by day, that we would love God more today than we did yesterday. That our love for him is deepened more next week than it was this week.

To be a disciple of Jesus is to be falling more and more into a wholehearted love of God.

Here at Redeemer, our whole mission is to glorify God by making disciples. We say that disciples of Jesus worship Christ, walk with Christ, work for Christ, and witness for Christ. These 4 W's are more than core values for our church or catchy slogans to paint on walls. These 4 W's define what a life of wholehearted love and devotion for God looks like. So this Sunday we begin our series called "The 4W Life" to seek to become the wholehearted, all-in, fully devoted lovers of God and people that Jesus calls us to be.


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