Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown

When We Lack Wisdom

If James is a field manual of authentic faith lived out, it is fitting that he wastes no time at all getting to the topic of wisdom. Wisdom is God's will lived out. It's living out a godly life. So a life built on the wisdom of God is a life of authentic faith. But there is a problem; we don't always know the wise thing to do. On this side of heaven, we lack wisdom. James gives us the solution of what to do when we lack wisdom and how we carry that out. If you need wisdom right now in life, James 1:5-8 has a very clear direction for you.


James 1:5-8 | If James is a field manual of authentic faith lived out, it is fitting that he wastes no time at all getting to the topic of wisdom. Wisdom is God's will lived out. It's living out a godly life. So a life built on the wisdom of God is a life of authentic faith. But there is a problem; we don't always know the wise thing to do. On this side of heaven, we lack wisdom. James gives us the solution of what to do when we lack wisdom and how we carry that out. If you need wisdom right now in life, James 1:5-8 has a very clear direction for you.


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Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown

Joyfully Enduring Trials

Joy in trials? How is that so? And what does that mean? Are Christians to be gluttons for pain, taking joy in the hardship itself? Are we just to "grin and bear it" with no acknowledgement of the pain and hardships of life? Is James sticking a band-aid of a cliche on the deep pains of life? Not at all. James 1:2-4 is deep theology that allows us at Christians to rejoice in our trials knowing what God is ultimately accomplishing as we respond rightly to the troubles and trials of life. Let's be equipped together to joyfully endure the trials life brings.


James 1:2-4 | Joy in trials? How is that so? And what does that mean? Are Christians to be gluttons for pain, taking joy in the hardship itself? Are we just to "grin and bear it" with no acknowledgement of the pain and hardships of life? Is James sticking a band-aid of a cliche on the deep pains of life? Not at all. James 1:2-4 is deep theology that allows us at Christians to rejoice in our trials knowing what God is ultimately accomplishing as we respond rightly to the troubles and trials of life. Let's be equipped together to joyfully endure the trials life brings.


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Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown Brock Graham, Authentic Faith Alec Brown

Introducing James

God is after doers of the word.  He is after us applying the principles of the Christian life in our day-to-day life.  James is the field manual God has given us for what it looks like to live out an authentic faith.  We begin our five-month journey in the book of James by looking at James 1:1 and letting that orient us to the book as a whole.  Who wrote it?  Who was he writing to? And what is this letter's purpose?  We set the course this week for a study in a book that will deeply transform our everyday walk with Jesus. 


James 1:1 | God is after doers of the word. He is after us applying the principles of the Christian life in our day-to-day life. James is the field manual God has given us for what it looks like to live out an authentic faith. We begin our five-month journey in the book of James by looking at James 1:1 and letting that orient us to the book as a whole. Who wrote it? Who was he writing to? And what is this letter's purpose? We set the course this week for a study in a book that will deeply transform our everyday walk with Jesus. 


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