Cory Freeman, Disciple Alec Brown Cory Freeman, Disciple Alec Brown

How Are More Disciples Made?

Disciples are made as we pursue others the way God has pursued us. Let’s dive further into this pursuit and the ministry of reconciliation.


2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Disciples are made as we pursue others the way God has pursued us. Let’s dive further into this pursuit and the ministry of reconciliation.


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Unashamed, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Unashamed, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Witness To The Glory of God

Why witness? How should we witness? This morning we unpack the heart of witness—We witness to the glory of God, so the lost can experience our glorious God.


Romans 15:14-21 | Why witness? How should we witness? This morning we unpack the heart of witness—We witness to the glory of God, so the lost can experience our glorious God.


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Unashamed, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Unashamed, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

More Than Conquerors

Romans 8:31-39 | In Christ, we are more than conquerors. But how? As we find in Romans 8:31-39, we are more than conquerors because of God, and four specific things he has done for us.


Romans 8:31-39 | In Christ, we are more than conquerors. But how? As we find in Romans 8:31-39, we are more than conquerors because of God, and four specific things he has done for us.


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Cory Freeman, Advent 2023 Olivia Zurawski Cory Freeman, Advent 2023 Olivia Zurawski

Promises Fulfilled

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Holy Spirit, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Holy Spirit, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Walk By The Spirit, Not By The Flesh

Galatians 5:16-26 | In Galatians 5 we see Paul advocating for believers to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh. This was during a time when they were being taught that walking by the flesh is your way to salvation. God has provided a way of justification through faith that should lead to an overflow of walking by the Spirit. He also presents a warning to abstain from the flesh. Walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh will produce the best results in our life.


Galatians 5:16-26 | In Galatians 5 we see Paul advocating for believers to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh. This was during a time when they were being taught that walking by the flesh is your way to salvation. God has provided a way of justification through faith that should lead to an overflow of walking by the Spirit. He also presents a warning to abstain from the flesh. Walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh will produce the best results in our life.


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Exodus: Delivered to Dwell, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Exodus: Delivered to Dwell, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Wisdom People

Exodus 18:1–27 | Exodus 18 reveals a foundational truth to our faith. After a period of conflict, Moses shares a conversation with Jethro, a Midianite whose faith was not in God, but Jethro acknowledges the power of God on the journey of the Israelites. We learn through this chapter that people of wisdom declare God as the one true God and guide us as we guide others to believe the same.


Exodus 18:1–27 | Exodus 18 reveals a foundational truth to our faith. After a period of conflict, Moses shares a conversation with Jethro, a Midianite whose faith was not in God, but Jethro acknowledges the power of God on the journey of the Israelites. We learn through this chapter that people of wisdom declare God as the one true God and guide us as we guide others to believe the same.


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Parables: Stories of Jesus, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Parables: Stories of Jesus, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Humility or Humiliation

Luke 14:7-11 | This week, we took a look at the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Luke 14:7-11. In this section of God's Word, He reveals a truth that is so critical for our culture. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will be exalted.


Luke 14:7-11 | This week, we took a look at the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Luke 14:7-11. In this section of God's Word, He reveals a truth that is so critical for our culture. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will be exalted.


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The Household of God, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski The Household of God, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Men Who Pray

1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.


1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.


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Godly Living During Godless Times

2 Timothy 3:10–4:5 | Living life as a Jesus follower is like trying to diet when no one else is. You are trying to eat right, meanwhile, your wife decides to pick up baking as a hobby. It's almost impossible to resist, therefore it requires the right discipline and encouragement to stay away from temptation. This week in 2 Timothy 3 and 4, we see Paul encouraging Timothy to live a Godly life during godless times. The hope is that we can be encouraged by this to stand for Jesus in times such as ours. By doing this, we will honor God and be the appropriate light to the world in which we are called.


2 Timothy 3:10–4:5 | Living life as a Jesus follower is like trying to diet when no one else is. You are trying to eat right, meanwhile, your wife decides to pick up baking as a hobby. It's almost impossible to resist, therefore it requires the right discipline and encouragement to stay away from temptation. This week in 2 Timothy 3 and 4, we see Paul encouraging Timothy to live a Godly life during godless times. The hope is that we can be encouraged by this to stand for Jesus in times such as ours. By doing this, we will honor God and be the appropriate light to the world in which we are called.


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Parables, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Parables, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

The Parable of the Great Banquet

Luke 14:15–24 | This week we are in Luke 14:15-24. We'll focus on the Parable of the Great Banquet and how the banquet is an invitation from Christ. This invitation is not to be ignored but acted upon. Christ calls us to say "yes" as well as share the invitation with others so that they may come to experience this great banquet with Christ.

May we all be full with more of Him.


Luke 14:15–24 | This week we are in Luke 14:15-24. We'll focus on the Parable of the Great Banquet and how the banquet is an invitation from Christ. This invitation is not to be ignored but acted upon. Christ calls us to say "yes" as well as share the invitation with others so that they may come to experience this great banquet with Christ.

May we all be full with more of Him.


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Preeminent, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Preeminent, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

Christ Is Preeminent

Colossians 1:15–23 | Preeminent: surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way.

Christ is preeminent. He has been since the beginning of creation. All things were created through Him and for Him and in Him, the fullness of God was "pleased to dwell."

But is He preeminent in your life? Is He seated on the throne of your heart? Let's take a deep look into the preeminence of Christ, and how that should bring us to all-out worship of our Supreme Savior.


Colossians 1:15–23 | Preeminent: surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way.

Christ is preeminent. He has been since the beginning of creation. All things were created through Him and for Him and in Him, the fullness of God was "pleased to dwell."

But is He preeminent in your life? Is He seated on the throne of your heart? Let's take a deep look into the preeminence of Christ, and how that should bring us to all-out worship of our Supreme Savior.


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Summer in the Psalms, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski Summer in the Psalms, Cory Freeman Olivia Zurawski

God Our Refuge

Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.

With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.

Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.

- Pastor Cory


Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.

With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.

Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.

- Pastor Cory


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