Here Comes A King
Luke 1:26-56 | The human heart wanders in restlessness until the moment it sees the glory of Christ. We were made to behold the glory of God and the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God is seen in the face of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). From the very first angelic announcement of the birth of Jesus, there is glory packed into this description of who this coming King is. We want to see the glory of Jesus in this birth announcement and then let that lead us to respond accordingly. Our hearts will overflow with joy when we look again at who he is and why he has come.
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Prepping for a Christ-Exalting Christmas
It's December. We are gearing up for the celebration of Christmas. For many of us, we love this time--the family, the friends, the food, the fun. In the midst of the buildup for Christmas, we want to ask a really important question: What would make this Christmas the most Christ-exalting Christmas we have ever experienced? Let's look at a godly couple at the beginning of Luke's gospel who can help prepare our hearts for a Christ-exalting Christmas.