Changed By Glory, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Changed By Glory, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Changed By Glory

2 Corinthians 3:18 | Have you ever heard the phrase, "Show me your friends, I'll show you your future?" Basically meaning that who you spend time with you will become. However, in life, sometimes this statement doesn't always prove to be true. For instance, I can remember hanging around some really talented basketball players in my neighborhood growing up thinking that if I spent enough time with them maybe, just maybe I will be able to become like them. Yeah, well let's just say that a pair of Air Jordan's, countless hours of "chilling with talented people", and a whole lot of high hopes sometimes only results in fantastic comic relief. However, we will discover in this week's passage that Paul essentially says the same thing in regards to our spiritual lives, the difference being that it always proves to be true. - You will become what you behold. (2 Corinthians 3:18)


2 Corinthians 3:18 | Have you ever heard the phrase, "Show me your friends, I'll show you your future?" Basically meaning that who you spend time with you will become. However, in life, sometimes this statement doesn't always prove to be true. For instance, I can remember hanging around some really talented basketball players in my neighborhood growing up thinking that if I spent enough time with them maybe, just maybe I will be able to become like them. Yeah, well let's just say that a pair of Air Jordan's, countless hours of "chilling with talented people", and a whole lot of high hopes sometimes only results in fantastic comic relief.

However, we will discover in this week's passage that Paul essentially says the same thing in regards to our spiritual lives, the difference being that it always proves to be true. - You will become what you behold(2 Corinthians 3:18)


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Rest Assured, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Rest Assured, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

I Am Beloved.

1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.


1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken.

My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.


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Summer in the Psalms, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Summer in the Psalms, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

When Trusting The LORD Is Hard

Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.


Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come?

The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you."

Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.


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The Glory of the Suffering Servant

John 13:1–17 | When was the last time you were impressed by something or someone? Impression is a funny thing, isn't it? The actual meaning comes from the action of pressing something in. So when we say, "I am impressed by so and so's ability to play basketball." what we are actually saying is, "I can't get this person's talent out of my mind." They made an impression on your mind.

Well in this passage, we will be joining Jesus and His disciples around the dinner table for their very last meal together. And it was around this dinner table that Jesus desired deeply to impress on their hearts a lesson that would change the way they would live the rest of their lives.


John 13:1–17 | When was the last time you were impressed by something or someone? Impression is a funny thing, isn't it? The actual meaning comes from the action of pressing something in. So when we say, "I am impressed by so and so's ability to play basketball." what we are actually saying is, "I can't get this person's talent out of my mind." They made an impression on your mind.

Well in this passage, we will be joining Jesus and His disciples around the dinner table for their very last meal together. And it was around this dinner table that Jesus desired deeply to impress on their hearts a lesson that would change the way they would live the rest of their lives.


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Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Authentic Worship

Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


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Abide, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Abide, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

This I Know...

2 Corinthians 5:13–21 | Have you ever met someone that appears to be “love-struck?" Do you know what I mean? You find this person “singing in the rain” or gazing at the moon "like a big pizza pie." We all have to admit that we tend to act a little crazy when we are in love, don’t we? In this week’s passage, Paul points out that it is not uncommon for people to think we have lost our minds when we are truly abiding in and reflecting on Jesus’ love for us. His love has the power to totally eclipse our lives and overcome our hearts in radical ways. The question Paul raises for us is, "Do we truly realize how much Jesus loves us?" 


2 Corinthians 5:13–21 | Have you ever met someone that appears to be “love-struck?" Do you know what I mean? You find this person “singing in the rain” or gazing at the moon "like a big pizza pie." We all have to admit that we tend to act a little crazy when we are in love, don’t we?

In this week’s passage, Paul points out that it is not uncommon for people to think we have lost our minds when we are truly abiding in and reflecting on Jesus’ love for us. His love has the power to totally eclipse our lives and overcome our hearts in radical ways.

The question Paul raises for us is, "Do we truly realize how much Jesus loves us?" 


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No Matter the Cost, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Four Truth Anchors for Hopeless Storms

Acts 27:1–44 | Jesus taught us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Difficult circumstances will inevitably invade our lives. But Jesus also taught us in this same sentence to "take heart, because He has overcome the world." (John 16:33) This is such good news, but to be transparent, it is often very difficult to believe at times. Have you ever been in a situation that honestly just seemed absolutely hopeless? Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no way that your life will ever be the same? If anything, your future looks very bleak as a result of your current circumstance? Perhaps some of us are there right now. Here is a question this passage forces us to wrestle with: Is your fear of your circumstance greater than your faith in God? Think about that... If anxiety seems to have a permanent seat at your table, then you're not going to want to miss this message. God wants to realign your perspective on just how powerful He really is.


Acts 27:1–44 | Jesus taught us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Difficult circumstances will inevitably invade our lives. But Jesus also taught us in this same sentence to "take heart, because He has overcome the world." (John 16:33) This is such good news, but to be transparent, it is often very difficult to believe at times.

Have you ever been in a situation that honestly just seemed absolutely hopeless? Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no way that your life will ever be the same? If anything, your future looks very bleak as a result of your current circumstance? Perhaps some of us are there right now. Here is a question this passage forces us to wrestle with:

Is your fear of your circumstance greater than your faith in God? 

Think about that... If anxiety seems to have a permanent seat at your table, then you're not going to want to miss this message. God wants to realign your perspective on just how powerful He really is.


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For The Good Of The Church, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski For The Good Of The Church, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

How to Live a Missional Life

Acts 16:6-15 | Have you ever been traveling on the road and suddenly find yourself staring at a construction sign that reads “Road Closed Ahead”? This seems to happen a lot for those of us living in Greenwood, IN. It’s in moments like this, that we can truly learn a lot about ourselves. Do you ignore the sign and keep on driving hoping to not get caught? Do you turn around and head back in the direction you came from and lose precious time? Or does your creative ingenuity kick in and you try to figure out the quickest route around the construction? Either way, we can learn much about our hearts when something or someone frustrates our plans. In this week’s passage, we get the opportunity to see how Paul reacts when God is the One frustrating his plans. From this experience, we are able to discover how to live a missional life when God’s plans don’t seem to make sense.


Acts 16:6-15 | Have you ever been traveling on the road and suddenly find yourself staring at a construction sign that reads “Road Closed Ahead”?

This seems to happen a lot for those of us living in Greenwood, IN. It’s in moments like this, that we can truly learn a lot about ourselves. Do you ignore the sign and keep on driving hoping to not get caught? Do you turn around and head back in the direction you came from and lose precious time? Or does your creative ingenuity kick in and you try to figure out the quickest route around the construction? Either way, we can learn much about our hearts when something or someone frustrates our plans.

In this week’s passage, we get the opportunity to see how Paul reacts when God is the One frustrating his plans. From this experience, we are able to discover how to live a missional life when God’s plans don’t seem to make sense.


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Missional: The Gospel to All, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Missional: The Gospel to All, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

When God Flips the Script

Acts 12:1-19 | In every great movie, there is always an unexpected plot twist. In fact, would you agree, that the more inconspicuous the twist is, the better the movie? Isn't it interesting that we think completely different when it comes to real life? Most of us would rather things be smooth, calm, and even slightly predictable. Perhaps we might prefer an occasional lapse of judgment just for fun, but nothing too "out of control".

But what do you do when everything goes awry? When your plans go up in smoke and you find yourself in a genuine crisis? An unexpected trial that renders you completely confused?

That’s what we find happening in this passage in Acts. But, what God does in the middle of a crisis is sure to leave you amazed, breathless, and filled with faith.


Acts 12:1-19 | In every great movie, there is always an unexpected plot twist. In fact, would you agree, that the more inconspicuous the twist is, the better the movie? Isn't it interesting that we think completely different when it comes to real life? Most of us would rather things be smooth, calm, and even slightly predictable. Perhaps we might prefer an occasional lapse of judgment just for fun, but nothing too "out of control".

But what do you do when everything goes awry? When your plans go up in smoke and you find yourself in a genuine crisis? An unexpected trial that renders you completely confused?

That’s what we find happening in this passage in Acts. But, what God does in the middle of a crisis is sure to leave you amazed, breathless, and filled with faith.


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Selfish Generosity

Acts 5:1-11 | Have you ever given something away and thought to yourself,“ Yeah, that was pretty awesome... I'm really generous... I hope someone acknowledges me for that.”? Let’s face it, if we are honest, we have all been there. It is safe to say that this is normal. Interestingly, last week, as we studied God’s Word, we learned that God is inviting us to step into a life of joyful, radical generosity. A generosity that is motivated by the gospel. The believers were in such unity that no one considered his belongings to be his own, but rather he was merely a steward of God’s resources. Inevitably, this created a warm and joyful time in the life of the church.

This week however, we are introduced to a married couple that brought about a massive shift in the church’s narrative, causing the scene to become dreadfully dark, dreary, and dangerous. The reason… “Selfish Generosity."


Acts 5:1-11 | Have you ever given something away and thought to yourself,

“Yeah, that was pretty awesome... I'm really generous... I hope someone acknowledges me for that.”?

Let’s face it, if we are honest, we have all been there. It is safe to say that this is normal. Interestingly, last week, as we studied God’s Word, we learned that God is inviting us to step into a life of joyful, radical generosity. A generosity that is motivated by the gospel. The believers were in such unity that no one considered his belongings to be his own, but rather he was merely a steward of God’s resources. Inevitably, this created a warm and joyful time in the life of the church.

This week however, we are introduced to a married couple that brought about a massive shift in the church’s narrative, causing the scene to become dreadfully dark, dreary, and dangerous. The reason… “Selfish Generosity."


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Uncommon, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Uncommon, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

What Now?

Acts 2:42-47 | Have you ever noticed that a fresh bonfire fire always burns brighter and hotter than fire that has been burning a while? I’m not much of an outside, nature guy, but I do know that there are a few things you can do to keep the fire burning hot and even see it grow stronger over time. In much the same way, if your passion for God has begun to dwindle and you long to rekindle the wonder of God back into your life, or perhaps you are currently experiencing the wonder of God and want to keep it, then join us as we discover what the early followers of Jesus did to not only accelerate their passion for God, but also experience something remarkably uncommon.


Acts 2:42-47 | Have you ever noticed that a fresh bonfire fire always burns brighter and hotter than fire that has been burning a while? I’m not much of an outside, nature guy, but I do know that there are a few things you can do to keep the fire burning hot and even see it grow stronger over time.

In much the same way, if your passion for God has begun to dwindle and you long to rekindle the wonder of God back into your life, or perhaps you are currently experiencing the wonder of God and want to keep it, then join us as we discover what the early followers of Jesus did to not only accelerate their passion for God, but also experience something remarkably uncommon.


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4 Pillars, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski 4 Pillars, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Unceasing Prayer

Jeremiah 33 | Would you agree that prayer is often the most talked about and least practiced aspect of the Christian life?

Perhaps you’re like me and you have experienced the power of passionate and audacious prayer, and you have the desire to make this a regular habit in your personal walk with the Lord, but you tend to lack the commitment to do so. In a lot of ways, this reminds me of trying to fit into those jeans that, before the holidays, weren’t so tight. But somehow, I never seem to be able to keep the motivation to wake up early and hit the treadmill in order to lose some of the “hindrances” of my previously comfortable jeans.

To be honest, I don’t need to be told to pray more passionately to the Lord, just like I don't need a scale to remind myself that I need to exercise. What I need is MOTIVATION.

In this week's text, God provides us with some of the greatest motivation we could ever dream of in order to awaken our hearts again to the powerful effects of prayer.


Jeremiah 33 | Would you agree that prayer is often the most talked about and least practiced aspect of the Christian life?

Perhaps you’re like me and you have experienced the power of passionate and audacious prayer, and you have the desire to make this a regular habit in your personal walk with the Lord, but you tend to lack the commitment to do so. In a lot of ways, this reminds me of trying to fit into those jeans that, before the holidays, weren’t so tight. But somehow, I never seem to be able to keep the motivation to wake up early and hit the treadmill in order to lose some of the “hindrances” of my previously comfortable jeans.

To be honest, I don’t need to be told to pray more passionately to the Lord, just like I don't need a scale to remind myself that I need to exercise. What I need is MOTIVATION.

In this week's text, God provides us with some of the greatest motivation we could ever dream of in order to awaken our hearts again to the powerful effects of prayer.


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Gospel Joy, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Gospel Joy, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Stand Firm in the Lord

Resolve Conflicts. Rejoice Always. Pray with Thanksgiving. Protect your Thoughts.

Sound good? These are evidences of standing firm in the Lord. When we are standing in the full measure of God's love and plan for us we experience love, joy, and peace that can only come from the Gospel. If we are seeing ourselves or fellow believers slip in these areas, we must return to our Heavenly Father who is calling us to stand firm in His promises, so that His love may stand out to the world.


Resolve Conflicts. Rejoice Always. Pray with Thanksgiving. Protect your Thoughts.

Sound good? These are evidences of standing firm in the Lord. When we are standing in the full measure of God's love and plan for us we experience love, joy, and peace that can only come from the Gospel. If we are seeing ourselves or fellow believers slip in these areas, we must return to our Heavenly Father who is calling us to stand firm in His promises, so that His love may stand out to the world.


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Gospel Joy, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Gospel Joy, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

God Is At Work

Have you ever been challenged to do something that you knew would be far beyond the realm of your current condition? Challenges like jogging a marathon when the last time you went for a jog was back in the 80's when high socks were popular. Or perhaps someone has challenged you to climb a high mountain and you get winded walking up to the second floor of your house. Its not likely going to happen.

Well in a similar way, living out the Christian life is far beyond the realm of our conditions. Following Jesus isn't just difficult, it is quite frankly, impossible. In ourselves we don't have the strength to be like Christ nor the energy to serve Him.In this weeks passage, Paul points out that we all desperately need help to truly follow Christ the way He has called us to.

We need His power. Paul tells us that "God is at work in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure." This is great news! The same God that created the world and all that is in it is working in us so that we can live out the life God has designed us for.


Have you ever been challenged to do something that you knew would be far beyond the realm of your current condition? Challenges like jogging a marathon when the last time you went for a jog was back in the 80's when high socks were popular. Or perhaps someone has challenged you to climb a high mountain and you get winded walking up to the second floor of your house. Its not likely going to happen.

Well in a similar way, living out the Christian life is far beyond the realm of our conditions. Following Jesus isn't just difficult, it is quite frankly, impossible. In ourselves we don't have the strength to be like Christ nor the energy to serve Him.
In this weeks passage, Paul points out that we all desperately need help to truly follow Christ the way He has called us to.

We need His power. Paul tells us that "God is at work in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure." This is great news! The same God that created the world and all that is in it is working in us so that we can live out the life God has designed us for.


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Ever Faithful, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Ever Faithful, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

The Power of Hope

Hope is a powerful force.  When you hear the stories of someone fighting for survival, what often keeps them alive and moving forward is a finish line of hope.  They hope to see their family again.  They hope to be able to hug their wife and hold their kids. When there is a finish line of hope, we will endure much to taste the goodness of that finish line because the hope of the future outweighs the troubles of the present. This week we begin a letter of hope.  This is a warm letter from Paul to Christians in a city called Thessalonica.  These Jesus followers are joyfully enduring much because of a coming hope they are confident in.  Do you need some hope in life?  Need to know that the hope of the future outweighs the weight of the present?  Join us for the next 12 weeks as together we go on a journey of hope!  You are loved.


Hope is a powerful force.  When you hear the stories of someone fighting for survival, what often keeps them alive and moving forward is a finish line of hope.  They hope to see their family again.  They hope to be able to hug their wife and hold their kids. When there is a finish line of hope, we will endure much to taste the goodness of that finish line because the hope of the future outweighs the troubles of the present. This week we begin a letter of hope.  This is a warm letter from Paul to Christians in a city called Thessalonica.  These Jesus followers are joyfully enduring much because of a coming hope they are confident in.  Do you need some hope in life?  Need to know that the hope of the future outweighs the weight of the present?  Join us for the next 12 weeks as together we go on a journey of hope!  You are loved.


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