Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Fear of the Lord and the Day of the Lord

Malachi 3:13–4:6 | Throughout scripture, two themes recur often. These two themes are the "Fear of the Lord" and the "Day of the Lord." In many regards, these two themes are very connected.

We will see their connection powerfully in the passage this week. What does it mean for us to live with a healthy fear of the Lord? What do we need to know about the Day of the Lord? And how does knowledge of the Day of the Lord lead to a greater fear of the Lord?

These are life-shaping, eternity defining truths for us to study.


Malachi 3:13–4:6 | Throughout scripture, two themes recur often. These two themes are the "Fear of the Lord" and the "Day of the Lord." In many regards, these two themes are very connected.

We will see their connection powerfully in the passage this week. What does it mean for us to live with a healthy fear of the Lord? What do we need to know about the Day of the Lord? And how does knowledge of the Day of the Lord lead to a greater fear of the Lord?

These are life-shaping, eternity defining truths for us to study.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Giving God What Is God's

Malachi 3:7–12 | It is kind of weird to think about, but we can actually rob God. To commit robbery is to take for ourselves what rightfully belongs to someone else. In this week's passage, the Lord lovingly confronts His people for not giving their tithes and offerings to Him. He calls this robbery.

Now none of us want to be guilty of divine robbery, so we need to understand how this passage applies to us today. What does it look like to give to the Lord in a God-honoring way? Are we required to "tithe" of our income? What does our giving tell us about our worship?

This message isn't ultimately about giving. This message is ultimately about worship. When our worship is right, our giving gets right.


Malachi 3:7–12 | It is kind of weird to think about, but we can actually rob God. To commit robbery is to take for ourselves what rightfully belongs to someone else. In this week's passage, the Lord lovingly confronts His people for not giving their tithes and offerings to Him. He calls this robbery.

Now none of us want to be guilty of divine robbery, so we need to understand how this passage applies to us today. What does it look like to give to the Lord in a God-honoring way? Are we required to "tithe" of our income? What does our giving tell us about our worship?

This message isn't ultimately about giving. This message is ultimately about worship. When our worship is right, our giving gets right.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Lovingly Patient Justice of God

Malachi 2:17–3:6 | "God, where is your justice?" This is the question the people were asking. God's people were looking at worshippers of false gods and watching them seemingly flourish. What was up with that? Was the perceived flourishing of those other people God’s hand of approval on them? Where is the justice in that?

There are times where life doesn't seem to be going our way. In these times we often look around and see people who have no desire to honor God seemingly flourish. What do we need to understand about the justice of God? How can we be awakened to know that always, in the end, God's perfect, patient, loving justice will prevail?


Malachi 2:17–3:6 | "God, where is your justice?" This is the question the people were asking. God's people were looking at worshippers of false gods and watching them seemingly flourish. What was up with that? Was the perceived flourishing of those other people God’s hand of approval on them? Where is the justice in that?

There are times where life doesn't seem to be going our way. In these times we often look around and see people who have no desire to honor God seemingly flourish. What do we need to understand about the justice of God? How can we be awakened to know that always, in the end, God's perfect, patient, loving justice will prevail?


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Covenant of Christian Marriage

Malachi 2:10-16 | Throughout the centuries, the high view and calling God has placed on marriage has come under attack. We can see this in our own day, marriage is often not held in the high esteem in which God has created it to be. Even thousands of years ago, amongst God's people, the covenant of marriage found itself under attack. In seven verses of Malachi, we will watch God's passionate defense of marriage amongst His people. He will call them out and call them back to His intentions for this relationship. This has the potential to change the trajectory of our marriages and recenter the relationship between husband and wife back on God's glory.  Whether you are or aren't married, this passage will unleash worship in your heart over what God is seeking to accomplish through this awesome institution He created called marriage.


Malachi 2:10-16 | Throughout the centuries, the high view and calling God has placed on marriage has come under attack. We can see this in our own day, marriage is often not held in the high esteem in which God has created it to be. Even thousands of years ago, amongst God's people, the covenant of marriage found itself under attack.

In seven verses of Malachi, we will watch God's passionate defense of marriage amongst His people. He will call them out and call them back to His intentions for this relationship. This has the potential to change the trajectory of our marriages and recenter the relationship between husband and wife back on God's glory.  

Whether you are or aren't married, this passage will unleash worship in your heart over what God is seeking to accomplish through this awesome institution He created called marriage.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Wake Up & Honor God

Malachi 2:1-9 | What does it look like to honor someone? That actually can be kind of a tough question to answer. What does honor look like? It can be hard to quantify, but we know it when we see it. This week's passage helps us understand what it looks like when a life honors God and what it looks like when a life doesn't honor God. And there are grave dangers at stake based on whether our lives are or aren't honoring the Lord. The Lord in His grace has a great wake up call for us this week. We want God's maximum and supreme honor with our lives, so let's find out very clearly how He is honored through our lives.


Malachi 2:1-9 | What does it look like to honor someone? That actually can be kind of a tough question to answer. What does honor look like? It can be hard to quantify, but we know it when we see it.

This week's passage helps us understand what it looks like when a life honors God and what it looks like when a life doesn't honor God. And there are grave dangers at stake based on whether our lives are or aren't honoring the Lord.

The Lord in His grace has a great wake up call for us this week. We want God's maximum and supreme honor with our lives, so let's find out very clearly how He is honored through our lives.


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Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Authentic Worship

Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Unconditional Love of God

Malachi 1:1-5 | Ever needed a wake up call? Not a phone ringing in a hotel room to wake you up, but a wake up call in your life. Maybe you had been disengaged and going through the motions and God brought something about to wake you up. Maybe you had drifted into a dry desert in your faith and the Lord in His grace opened your eyes again to His great love for you.

Our study in Malachi will lay out 6 wake up calls to revive our faith. If you find yourself having lost the fire of your faith. If you find yourself in a dry season. If you find yourself going through the external motions of the Christian life with an internal heart posture that seems disconnected... this is a series that will revive your walk.

Let our faith be revived this week as we remember the unconditional love of God.


Malachi 1:1-5 | Ever needed a wake up call? Not a phone ringing in a hotel room to wake you up, but a wake up call in your life. Maybe you had been disengaged and going through the motions and God brought something about to wake you up. Maybe you had drifted into a dry desert in your faith and the Lord in His grace opened your eyes again to His great love for you.

Our study in Malachi will lay out 6 wake up calls to revive our faith. If you find yourself having lost the fire of your faith. If you find yourself in a dry season. If you find yourself going through the external motions of the Christian life with an internal heart posture that seems disconnected... this is a series that will revive your walk.

Let our faith be revived this week as we remember the unconditional love of God.


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