The Glory of the Risen Conqueror

John 20:1–31 | "For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." 1 Corinthians 15:16-17

Our faith rests on a resurrected Jesus. If there was no resurrection, there is no Christianity. But Easter Sunday is the celebration of celebrations. We gaze on the glory of the resurrected Christ. We will recount the story of the resurrection, a story that never gets old, and then we will look at how the story of the resurrection has the power to change our life.


John 20:1–31 | "For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." 1 Corinthians 15:16-17

Our faith rests on a resurrected Jesus. If there was no resurrection, there is no Christianity. But Easter Sunday is the celebration of celebrations. We gaze on the glory of the resurrected Christ. We will recount the story of the resurrection, a story that never gets old, and then we will look at how the story of the resurrection has the power to change our life.


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The Glory of the Suffering Priest

John 17:1–26 | Heart Check... This phrase can bring both positive and negative thoughts to our mind. Heart checks may not be the most fun in the moment but we know that in the long run, they're good for us. They help us see the state of things as they actually are and not as we necessarily thought they were. 

Our passage this week is going to be a great heart check for us. We're going to walk through Jesus' High Priestly prayer in John 17. This is one of the greatest prayers in all of Scripture. It's one of the only times we actually see the content of what Jesus prays. And as we walk through this text together, God is going to give us some heart checks to evaluate our lives.


John 17:1–26 | Heart Check... This phrase can bring both positive and negative thoughts to our mind. Heart checks may not be the most fun in the moment but we know that in the long run, they're good for us. They help us see the state of things as they actually are and not as we necessarily thought they were. 

Our passage this week is going to be a great heart check for us. We're going to walk through Jesus' High Priestly prayer in John 17. This is one of the greatest prayers in all of Scripture. It's one of the only times we actually see the content of what Jesus prays. And as we walk through this text together, God is going to give us some heart checks to evaluate our lives.


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The Glory of the Suffering Servant

John 13:1–17 | When was the last time you were impressed by something or someone? Impression is a funny thing, isn't it? The actual meaning comes from the action of pressing something in. So when we say, "I am impressed by so and so's ability to play basketball." what we are actually saying is, "I can't get this person's talent out of my mind." They made an impression on your mind.

Well in this passage, we will be joining Jesus and His disciples around the dinner table for their very last meal together. And it was around this dinner table that Jesus desired deeply to impress on their hearts a lesson that would change the way they would live the rest of their lives.


John 13:1–17 | When was the last time you were impressed by something or someone? Impression is a funny thing, isn't it? The actual meaning comes from the action of pressing something in. So when we say, "I am impressed by so and so's ability to play basketball." what we are actually saying is, "I can't get this person's talent out of my mind." They made an impression on your mind.

Well in this passage, we will be joining Jesus and His disciples around the dinner table for their very last meal together. And it was around this dinner table that Jesus desired deeply to impress on their hearts a lesson that would change the way they would live the rest of their lives.


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The Glory of the Suffering King

John 12:1–26 | What comes to mind when you think of a king? The grandiose living. The servant's waiting on him at every turn. The beautiful palace with no expenses spared.

Whatever you think of when you think of a king...Jesus was the opposite. We follow a King, but He was servant King. He was a suffering King. And He was establishing a kingdom, unlike any other kingdom.

We are beginning a series leading up to Easter looking at the Glory of the Suffering Christ. This week, we worship as we study our Suffering King. What kind of impact does understanding Jesus as Suffering King have on the way we go about living the life of following Him?


John 12:1–26 | What comes to mind when you think of a king? The grandiose living. The servant's waiting on him at every turn. The beautiful palace with no expenses spared.

Whatever you think of when you think of a king...Jesus was the opposite. We follow a King, but He was servant King. He was a suffering King. And He was establishing a kingdom, unlike any other kingdom.

We are beginning a series leading up to Easter looking at the Glory of the Suffering Christ. This week, we worship as we study our Suffering King. What kind of impact does understanding Jesus as Suffering King have on the way we go about living the life of following Him?


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