Unashamed, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Unashamed, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

A New Life Through Death

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Unashamed, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Unashamed, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

Faith in Jesus and His Gospel

Romans 1:8-15

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The God-ness of God, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski The God-ness of God, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

The God-ness of God: The Holiness of God

Isaiah 6:1–13 | God is holy. Those three words have weight. In the words of AW Tozer, "God’s holiness is not simply the best we know infinitely bettered. We know nothing like the divine holiness. It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible and unattainable. The natural [person] is blind to it. They may fear God’s power and admire His wisdom, but His holiness they cannot even imagine. Only the Spirit of the Holy One can impart to the human spirit the knowledge of the holy.” Throw the book of Isaiah, let's approach the unapproachable, attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible and attain the unattainable.


Isaiah 6:1–13 | God is holy. Those three words have weight. In the words of AW Tozer, "God’s holiness is not simply the best we know infinitely bettered. We know nothing like the divine holiness. It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible and unattainable. The natural [person] is blind to it. They may fear God’s power and admire His wisdom, but His holiness they cannot even imagine. Only the Spirit of the Holy One can impart to the human spirit the knowledge of the holy.” Throw the book of Isaiah, let's approach the unapproachable, attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible and attain the unattainable.


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Jesus: The Door and The Good Shepherd

John 10:1–21 |  Jesus is both the door we enter for abundant life and the good shepherd we follow for abundant life.


John 10:1–21 |  Jesus is both the door we enter for abundant life and the good shepherd we follow for abundant life.


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Advent of the Christ, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Advent of the Christ, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

The Advent of Love

1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.


1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.


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Contend to Trust

Genesis 40 | In the deepest valleys of life, we hold on to the truth that God is with us. But it's important for us to ask... So what? Why is it good news that God is with us in the deep valleys of life?

As we continue in our study through the life of Joseph, we see that he is still in the valley. He's still in the prison. And it gets worse for him in Genesis 40. Through it all, we know that God is still with him. And we're going to study today why it's good news that God is still with Joseph... and still with us in the deepest valleys of life. 


Genesis 40 | In the deepest valleys of life, we hold on to the truth that God is with us. But it's important for us to ask... So what? Why is it good news that God is with us in the deep valleys of life?

As we continue in our study through the life of Joseph, we see that he is still in the valley. He's still in the prison. And it gets worse for him in Genesis 40. Through it all, we know that God is still with him. And we're going to study today why it's good news that God is still with Joseph... and still with us in the deepest valleys of life. 


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In The Waiting...

Genesis 17:15-18:15 | Waiting.... waiting.... waiting....  

Even just seeing the word might stress some of us out. Waiting! I don't know many people who would say they really love to wait. Think about being put on hold during a phone call. Think about the days of dial-up. Think about traffic or waiting in long lines at the store. I'm guessing most (if not all) of these things don't bring happy and pleasant emotions.

But what do we do when God says wait? How are we to respond when we're waiting on the fulfillment of God's promises in our life? And what if it's in the waiting that God wants to do some deep work on our hearts? How would that change the way we view the waiting?

Join us as we dive deeper into the life of Abraham and see together how God used the waiting in Abraham's life.


Genesis 17:15-18:15 | Waiting.... waiting.... waiting....  

Even just seeing the word might stress some of us out. Waiting! I don't know many people who would say they really love to wait. Think about being put on hold during a phone call. Think about the days of dial-up. Think about traffic or waiting in long lines at the store. I'm guessing most (if not all) of these things don't bring happy and pleasant emotions.

But what do we do when God says wait? How are we to respond when we're waiting on the fulfillment of God's promises in our life? And what if it's in the waiting that God wants to do some deep work on our hearts? How would that change the way we view the waiting?

Join us as we dive deeper into the life of Abraham and see together how God used the waiting in Abraham's life.


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Parables, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Parables, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Luke 15:11–32 | The Prodigal Son...

Many of us are familiar with the story. And oftentimes as we read or recount this story, a lot of attention is put on the younger brother. His wasteful living. His lostness. His rebellion. His reckless and wild decisions. But what if the older brother is just as lost and rebellious as the younger brother? And what if the story of the prodigal son is not even primarily about the sons? What does this story have to do with my life today?

Let's get ready to hear from the Lord together through one of the most amazing stories Jesus told. 


Luke 15:11–3| The Prodigal Son...

Many of us are familiar with the story. And oftentimes as we read or recount this story, a lot of attention is put on the younger brother. His wasteful living. His lostness. His rebellion. His reckless and wild decisions. But what if the older brother is just as lost and rebellious as the younger brother? And what if the story of the prodigal son is not even primarily about the sons? 

What does this story have to do with my life today?

Let's get ready to hear from the Lord together through one of the most amazing stories Jesus told. 


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Rest Assured, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Rest Assured, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

Marked By Love

1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.


1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident.

As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love.

Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.


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Vitals, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Vitals, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

God's Plan To Change The World

Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.

As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.


Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.

As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.


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The Glory of the Suffering Priest

John 17:1–26 | Heart Check... This phrase can bring both positive and negative thoughts to our mind. Heart checks may not be the most fun in the moment but we know that in the long run, they're good for us. They help us see the state of things as they actually are and not as we necessarily thought they were. 

Our passage this week is going to be a great heart check for us. We're going to walk through Jesus' High Priestly prayer in John 17. This is one of the greatest prayers in all of Scripture. It's one of the only times we actually see the content of what Jesus prays. And as we walk through this text together, God is going to give us some heart checks to evaluate our lives.


John 17:1–26 | Heart Check... This phrase can bring both positive and negative thoughts to our mind. Heart checks may not be the most fun in the moment but we know that in the long run, they're good for us. They help us see the state of things as they actually are and not as we necessarily thought they were. 

Our passage this week is going to be a great heart check for us. We're going to walk through Jesus' High Priestly prayer in John 17. This is one of the greatest prayers in all of Scripture. It's one of the only times we actually see the content of what Jesus prays. And as we walk through this text together, God is going to give us some heart checks to evaluate our lives.


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For The Good Of The Church, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski For The Good Of The Church, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

Rejoicing in Suffering

Acts 16:16-40 | "But why? Why mom? Why dad? Why? Why? Why?" Have you ever experienced this question asked over and over and over again? While this can start as endearing, it can eventually become tiring. However, with God’s Word, we should constantly be asking the question “why”. It can lead us to know more about our awesome God. It can help us understand more about how He has created us and the world around us. This Sunday, we’re going to study an amazing story together in the book of Acts and ask a big "why" question. We’re going to wrestle with why we suffer for following Jesus, and how that suffering should actually cause us to rejoice!


Acts 16:16-40 | "But why? Why mom? Why dad? Why? Why? Why?"

Have you ever experienced this question asked over and over and over again? While this can start as endearing, it can eventually become tiring. However, with God’s Word, we should constantly be asking the question “why”. It can lead us to know more about our awesome God. It can help us understand more about how He has created us and the world around us.

This Sunday, we’re going to study an amazing story together in the book of Acts and ask a big "why" question. We’re going to wrestle with why we suffer for following Jesus, and how that suffering should actually cause us to rejoice!


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God on the Move

Acts 13:1-12 | Last we heard about Saul and Barnabas, they were down in Jerusalem serving the church. This week, we’re going to see them back with the church in Antioch worshipping, praying, and fasting. We see in this church an insatiable desire to be with God. To pursue Him. They're hungry for the presence and power of God in their lives and in their church. And this hunger to be with God sets off a series of events that will change not just an island and the people on it, but literally the course of human history.


Acts 13:1-12 | Last we heard about Saul and Barnabas, they were down in Jerusalem serving the church. This week, we’re going to see them back with the church in Antioch worshipping, praying, and fasting. We see in this church an insatiable desire to be with God. To pursue Him. They're hungry for the presence and power of God in their lives and in their church. 

And this hunger to be with God sets off a series of events that will change not just an island and the people on it, but literally the course of human history.


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The Brand New Life

Acts 9:19-31 | Jesus makes dead people come to life. To know Christ is to have a complete resurrection and transformation from dead in sin to a made new in Him... But now what? This is what we’re going to see in the story of Saul. In part 2 of Saul’s radical conversion, we’ll witness the effects of this transformation overflowing out of his life.


Acts 9:19-31 | Jesus makes dead people come to life. To know Christ is to have a complete resurrection and transformation from dead in sin to a made new in Him... But now what?

This is what we’re going to see in the story of Saul. In part 2 of Saul’s radical conversion, we’ll witness the effects of this transformation overflowing out of his life.


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I Could Never Do That...

Acts 8:1-8 | “I could never do that!"

Has this thought ever crossed your mind? Maybe it was watching someone walk up to a complete stranger and share the gospel. Maybe it was seeing a friend walk through a difficult season of life and still love Jesus and love others. Maybe it was someone who has moved to a place you would never go and lived on mission for the Lord. We’ve all had times we’ve looked at others and thought “I could never do that.” But what if God is inviting you into some “I could never do that” situations for the spread of His gospel? That’s exactly what happens in Acts 8 as the story of the early church continues.


Acts 8:1-8 | “I could never do that!"

Has this thought ever crossed your mind? Maybe it was watching someone walk up to a complete stranger and share the gospel. Maybe it was seeing a friend walk through a difficult season of life and still love Jesus and love others. Maybe it was someone who has moved to a place you would never go and lived on mission for the Lord. We’ve all had times we’ve looked at others and thought “I could never do that.”
But what if God is inviting you into some “I could never do that” situations for the spread of His gospel? That’s exactly what happens in Acts 8 as the story of the early church continues.


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Ever Faithful, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski Ever Faithful, DJ Blatherwick Olivia Zurawski

Don't Waste Your Suffering

Waste… It literally means a bad use of something valuable that you only have a limited amount of. I don't know many people who would say, "sign me up for that." None of us like to waste something. If we're going to do something, we want to get all that we can out of it. We've seen that the Thessalonian church has gone through affliction. Following Jesus has been difficult, to say the least, in their context. They've suffered for the decision to follow Jesus. In the midst of all this, Paul wants to make sure they don't waste their suffering. It's possible for them to walk through all these difficult things… and it be a waste. However, we're going to see that they're not just making it through their suffering…they're thriving in their suffering. It's possible for us to do the same. Listen for 3 ways to make sure we're suffering well and not wasting it.


Waste… It literally means a bad use of something valuable that you only have a limited amount of. I don't know many people who would say, "sign me up for that." None of us like to waste something. If we're going to do something, we want to get all that we can out of it. We've seen that the Thessalonian church has gone through affliction. Following Jesus has been difficult, to say the least, in their context. They've suffered for the decision to follow Jesus. In the midst of all this, Paul wants to make sure they don't waste their suffering. It's possible for them to walk through all these difficult things… and it be a waste. However, we're going to see that they're not just making it through their suffering…they're thriving in their suffering. It's possible for us to do the same. Listen for 3 ways to make sure we're suffering well and not wasting it.


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