Five Signs of a Flourishing Faith Family


Have you ever walked away from a dinner with a family you recently met and said, "Wow, they have something special going on"? You could sense a close bond between them. You could feel a respect the kids had for their parents, and a deep love from the parents to their kids. It was evident that their marriage was in a place of thriving. Your time with them made an imprint on your heart of what you longed your family to one day be.

All of us want to be a part of a flourishing family. And all of us want to be a part of a flourishing faith family. But what defines or characterizes a church, or faith family, that is flourishing together? This week, we close our study in the book of 1 Thessalonians by learning five signs of a flourishing faith family.

May these traits define our church, and may we seek these things amongst our family of faith for the rest of our days.


More from this series:


The Blessings of Wisdom


What I Need to Know about the Rapture