GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Spiritual Leaders, Humility, and Being Watchful

1 Peter 5 | We close out our series in 1 Peter this week with an important look at 3 crucial topics: spiritual leaders in the church, humility in all of us, and living watchful with the devil on the prowl. I think we would all readily agree that these are three areas of life we want to hear what God has to say.


1 Peter 5 | We close out our series in 1 Peter this week with an important look at 3 crucial topics: spiritual leaders in the church, humility in all of us, and living watchful with the devil on the prowl.

I think we would all readily agree that these are three areas of life we want to hear what God has to say.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Entrusting Our Souls While Doing Good

1 Peter 4:12-19 | Peter has spent a lot of ink equipping these Christians for suffering and encouraging them in the midst of suffering. And this week, we get a goldmine for practical equipping for seasons of suffering. We will focus in on 1 Peter 4:19 and together we will be equipped for any suffering we are in now or will be in one day. You won’t want to miss what God has for us from His word this week!


1 Peter 4:12-19 | Peter has spent a lot of ink equipping these Christians for suffering and encouraging them in the midst of suffering. And this week, we get a goldmine for practical equipping for seasons of suffering.

We will focus in on 1 Peter 4:19 and together we will be equipped for any suffering we are in now or will be in one day. You won’t want to miss what God has for us from His word this week!


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Just Passing Through

1 Peter 4:1-11 | We are told again and again to remember that this world is not our home. It’s hard when the world shouts so many messages to make this world our home.

So what do we do?

In this week’s passage, we get some help to know how to live in this world as we pass through to the next. Tune in Sunday for 3 Characteristics of the Christian Traveler.

Let’s be equipped to live “just passing through...”


1 Peter 4:1-11 | We are told again and again to remember that this world is not our home. It’s hard when the world shouts so many messages to make this world our home.

So what do we do?

In this week’s passage, we get some help to know how to live in this world as we pass through to the next. Tune in Sunday for 3 Characteristics of the Christian Traveler.

Let’s be equipped to live “just passing through...”


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Faith Under Fire

1 Peter 3:8-18 | You will come under fire for your faith at some point. It’s not a matter of if, but when and how often.

You’ll take an unpopular, biblical stand and people won’t like it.

Some of your family may mock you for becoming a “Bible-thumping, Jesus person.”

Some people simply won't like you because of your faith.

You may even travel to parts of the world where you are at a higher risk solely because of being a Christian.

We will, if following Christ, come under fire for our faith.

So...are you ready for it? Do you know how to respond when your faith is under fire?

In this message, we look at four Godly responses when our faith is under fire. Don’t miss this time of equipping from God’s word.


1 Peter 3:8-18 | You will come under fire for your faith at some point. It’s not a matter of if, but when and how often.

  • You’ll take an unpopular, biblical stand and people won’t like it.

  • Some of your family may mock you for becoming a “Bible-thumping, Jesus person.”

  • Some people simply won't like you because of your faith.

  • You may even travel to parts of the world where you are at a higher risk solely because of being a Christian.

We will, if following Christ, come under fire for our faith.

So...are you ready for it? Do you know how to respond when your faith is under fire?

In this message, we look at four Godly responses when our faith is under fire. Don’t miss this time of equipping from God’s word.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

A Word To Husbands + Wives

1 Peter 3:1-7 | God invented marriage. He said it was supposed to be really good. And yet not enough of His people would describe their marriage as "really good." So let’s have Him change that. Let’s get after pursuing the marriage He has called us to. And that happens as husbands, empowered by the Holy Spirit, heed the commands God has called them to. And it happens as wives, empowered by the Holy Spirit, heed the commands God has called them to. This week, God has a word for husbands and wives. Let’s see what He has to say. P.S. Not a husband or wife? Thinking of tuning in elsewhere this week? There is rich stuff in this passage for every man and woman. You don’t want to miss it!


1 Peter 3:1-7 | God invented marriage. He said it was supposed to be really good. And yet not enough of His people would describe their marriage as "really good."

So let’s have Him change that. Let’s get after pursuing the marriage He has called us to. And that happens as husbands, empowered by the Holy Spirit, heed the commands God has called them to. And it happens as wives, empowered by the Holy Spirit, heed the commands God has called them to.

This week, God has a word for husbands and wives. Let’s see what He has to say.

P.S. Not a husband or wife? Thinking of tuning in elsewhere this week? There is rich stuff in this passage for every man and woman. You don’t want to miss it!


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GRACE + PEACE, Brian Holt Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brian Holt Olivia Zurawski

How to Live As A Believer

1 Peter 2:11-25 | Have you ever been in a situation where you felt abnormal - like you’re the odd one out? Maybe it’s when you were in-line at a coffee shop and didn’t understand the specifics of each drink. Maybe it was when you were traveling and it seemed like everyone else understood the language and customs. Or perhaps it was when you saw many people making poor choices and you decided to stand up for what was right. 

Last week, Pastor Brock showed us from 1 Peter “who we are + what we do” as believers. This week, Peter is going to take that same idea of “who we are” and apply it to living in a world that doesn’t yet believe. As believers, we’re going to be the odd ones out. When you come to Christ, you become part of His family, a citizen of heaven - and citizens of heaven have very different priorities.

So how should we live as believers in an unbelieving world? How should we interact with people, with our government, and with our employers? Find out this week as we continue our series in 1 Peter, Grace + Peace.


1 Peter 2:11-25 | Have you ever been in a situation where you felt abnormal - like you’re the odd one out? Maybe it’s when you were in-line at a coffee shop and didn’t understand the specifics of each drink. Maybe it was when you were traveling and it seemed like everyone else understood the language and customs. Or perhaps it was when you saw many people making poor choices and you decided to stand up for what was right. 

Last week, Pastor Brock showed us from 1 Peter “who we are + what we do” as believers. This week, Peter is going to take that same idea of “who we are” and apply it to living in a world that doesn’t yet believe. As believers, we’re going to be the odd ones out. When you come to Christ, you become part of His family, a citizen of heaven - and citizens of heaven have very different priorities.

So how should we live as believers in an unbelieving world? How should we interact with people, with our government, and with our employers? Find out this week as we continue our series in 1 Peter, Grace + Peace.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Who We Are + What We Do

1 Peter 2:4-10 | A good team meeting has 3 parts to it:1) it includes and focuses on the whole team2) it reminds us who we are3) it reminds us what we are doing or trying to accomplish. In this message, we'll get a great team meeting. We'll look at this beautiful passage of 1 Peter which does all three of these things. The beauty and bigness and grandeur of the church is experienced when we see who WE are together and what WE are called to do together.


1 Peter 2:4-10 | A good team meeting has 3 parts to it:

1) it includes and focuses on the whole team
2) it reminds us who we are
3) it reminds us what we are doing or trying to accomplish

In this message, we'll get a great team meeting. We'll look at this beautiful passage of 1 Peter which does all three of these things. The beauty and bigness and grandeur of the church is experienced when we see who WE are together and what WE are called to do together.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Loves + Longings

1 Peter 1:22-2:10 | Everyone loves and everyone longs. We all love people and things and we all have longing for somewhere or something. The Christian, like all people, has loves and longings, but these are shaped by God.

Ultimately we love and long for Him, and this love and longing for Him makes us love and long for some other things as well.

What are these other things? Let's find out together.


1 Peter 1:22-2:10 | Everyone loves and everyone longs. We all love people and things and we all have longing for somewhere or something. The Christian, like all people, has loves and longings, but these are shaped by God.

Ultimately we love and long for Him, and this love and longing for Him makes us love and long for some other things as well.

What are these other things? Let's find out together.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Hope + Holiness

1 Peter 1:13-21 | After Peter's rich start to a rich letter, he gets into some practicals.

How should God's grace lavished on us impact and influence the life of the child of God? We'll find in this passage that someone who understands the inheritance waiting for them when Christ is revealed will have some practical handles on a life of hope and holiness.

So...looking for hope? Longing for growth in holiness? We'll look at the answer to these things this week.


1 Peter 1:13-21 | After Peter's rich start to a rich letter, he gets into some practicals.

How should God's grace lavished on us impact and influence the life of the child of God? We'll find in this passage that someone who understands the inheritance waiting for them when Christ is revealed will have some practical handles on a life of hope and holiness.

So...looking for hope? Longing for growth in holiness? We'll look at the answer to these things this week.


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GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski GRACE + PEACE, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

May Grace + Peace Be Multiplied

1 Peter 1:1-12 | Peace. It's elusive. Especially when life is hard.

We start our study in Peter's letter to a group of believers spread across areas that make up modern-day Turkey. Six verses into the letter we find out that these believers are being grieved by various trials. They are feeling the effects of living for the kingdom in a world that isn't always friendly to that. Peter writes to them, reminding them of who they are, where their citizenship ultimately resides, and most of all, he reminds them again and again how good they have it because of the grace lavished on them by God.

See, when we have a big view of God's grace, we get a big dose of His peace. When we remember all we have been given by Him, it puts our hearts at rest even through grievous trials.

Edmund Clowney calls 1 Peter "a traveler's guide for the Christian pilgrim." Let's open this guide together to see how we live with a big view of God's grace and experience a big dose of His peace in this life as we journey toward the life to come


1 Peter 1:1-12 | Peace. It's elusive. Especially when life is hard.

We start our study in Peter's letter to a group of believers spread across areas that make up modern-day Turkey. Six verses into the letter we find out that these believers are being grieved by various trials. They are feeling the effects of living for the kingdom in a world that isn't always friendly to that. Peter writes to them, reminding them of who they are, where their citizenship ultimately resides, and most of all, he reminds them again and again how good they have it because of the grace lavished on them by God.

See, when we have a big view of God's grace, we get a big dose of His peace. When we remember all we have been given by Him, it puts our hearts at rest even through grievous trials.

Edmund Clowney calls 1 Peter "a traveler's guide for the Christian pilgrim." Let's open this guide together to see how we live with a big view of God's grace and experience a big dose of His peace in this life as we journey toward the life to come.


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