Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Covenant of Christian Marriage

Malachi 2:10-16 | Throughout the centuries, the high view and calling God has placed on marriage has come under attack. We can see this in our own day, marriage is often not held in the high esteem in which God has created it to be. Even thousands of years ago, amongst God's people, the covenant of marriage found itself under attack. In seven verses of Malachi, we will watch God's passionate defense of marriage amongst His people. He will call them out and call them back to His intentions for this relationship. This has the potential to change the trajectory of our marriages and recenter the relationship between husband and wife back on God's glory.  Whether you are or aren't married, this passage will unleash worship in your heart over what God is seeking to accomplish through this awesome institution He created called marriage.


Malachi 2:10-16 | Throughout the centuries, the high view and calling God has placed on marriage has come under attack. We can see this in our own day, marriage is often not held in the high esteem in which God has created it to be. Even thousands of years ago, amongst God's people, the covenant of marriage found itself under attack.

In seven verses of Malachi, we will watch God's passionate defense of marriage amongst His people. He will call them out and call them back to His intentions for this relationship. This has the potential to change the trajectory of our marriages and recenter the relationship between husband and wife back on God's glory.  

Whether you are or aren't married, this passage will unleash worship in your heart over what God is seeking to accomplish through this awesome institution He created called marriage.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Wake Up & Honor God

Malachi 2:1-9 | What does it look like to honor someone? That actually can be kind of a tough question to answer. What does honor look like? It can be hard to quantify, but we know it when we see it. This week's passage helps us understand what it looks like when a life honors God and what it looks like when a life doesn't honor God. And there are grave dangers at stake based on whether our lives are or aren't honoring the Lord. The Lord in His grace has a great wake up call for us this week. We want God's maximum and supreme honor with our lives, so let's find out very clearly how He is honored through our lives.


Malachi 2:1-9 | What does it look like to honor someone? That actually can be kind of a tough question to answer. What does honor look like? It can be hard to quantify, but we know it when we see it.

This week's passage helps us understand what it looks like when a life honors God and what it looks like when a life doesn't honor God. And there are grave dangers at stake based on whether our lives are or aren't honoring the Lord.

The Lord in His grace has a great wake up call for us this week. We want God's maximum and supreme honor with our lives, so let's find out very clearly how He is honored through our lives.


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Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Revive, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Authentic Worship

Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


Malachi 1:6-14 | Can you encounter God’s presence and witness God’s hand at work in marvelous ways in your life, every day? According to Malachi, this is precisely what God longs to do every day in every season of your life. There is only one thing standing in the way; authentic worship.

God wants the real thing. He wants the unadulterated, unashamed, unrelenting worship of our hearts. He will accept nothing less than our best. But how do we know if we are truly worshiping with authenticity? How do we protect our hearts from sliding down into apathy? God reveals to us the true meaning of authentic worship in Malachi 1:6-14.


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Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Revive, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Unconditional Love of God

Malachi 1:1-5 | Ever needed a wake up call? Not a phone ringing in a hotel room to wake you up, but a wake up call in your life. Maybe you had been disengaged and going through the motions and God brought something about to wake you up. Maybe you had drifted into a dry desert in your faith and the Lord in His grace opened your eyes again to His great love for you.

Our study in Malachi will lay out 6 wake up calls to revive our faith. If you find yourself having lost the fire of your faith. If you find yourself in a dry season. If you find yourself going through the external motions of the Christian life with an internal heart posture that seems disconnected... this is a series that will revive your walk.

Let our faith be revived this week as we remember the unconditional love of God.


Malachi 1:1-5 | Ever needed a wake up call? Not a phone ringing in a hotel room to wake you up, but a wake up call in your life. Maybe you had been disengaged and going through the motions and God brought something about to wake you up. Maybe you had drifted into a dry desert in your faith and the Lord in His grace opened your eyes again to His great love for you.

Our study in Malachi will lay out 6 wake up calls to revive our faith. If you find yourself having lost the fire of your faith. If you find yourself in a dry season. If you find yourself going through the external motions of the Christian life with an internal heart posture that seems disconnected... this is a series that will revive your walk.

Let our faith be revived this week as we remember the unconditional love of God.


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3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Eternal Life

John 3:16 | We were made to live forever. In the beginning, God created man and woman and the intention was total harmony, communion, and fellowship forever. Sin marred that. But God made a way again.

So far we have looked at God. We have studied His love for the world. Now, this week we are told how His love for us has made a way for us to have eternal life. What is eternal life? How do we get eternal life?

No more important question to answer in our life than this one.


John 3:16 | We were made to live forever. In the beginning, God created man and woman and the intention was total harmony, communion, and fellowship forever. Sin marred that. But God made a way again.

So far we have looked at God. We have studied His love for the world. Now, this week we are told how His love for us has made a way for us to have eternal life. What is eternal life? How do we get eternal life?

No more important question to answer in our life than this one.


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3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Love of God

John 3:16 | There is such a powerful and pointed statement in John 3:16 that assures us we never have to worry about whether God loves us or not. The Lord has acted in such a way to demonstrate and display His love for the world! It's unequivocally unarguable!!  He loves us!


John 3:16 | There is such a powerful and pointed statement in John 3:16 that assures us we never have to worry about whether God loves us or not. The Lord has acted in such a way to demonstrate and display His love for the world! It's unequivocally unarguable!!  

He loves us!


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3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

For God...

John 3:16 | Before we can understand God's love for the world, His giving of His own Son, His making a way for humanity to not perish... Before we can get to the gold of all of those truths unpacked in John 3:16, we have to start at the very beginning:" For God..."Who is this God? God cannot be limited to an understanding that can adequately be unpacked in a 40-minute sermon. We know that. But He also desires to be known. He has revealed to us who He is through His Word. He wants us to know Him, and He desires us to be known by Him.


John 3:16 | Before we can understand God's love for the world, His giving of His own Son, His making a way for humanity to not perish... Before we can get to the gold of all of those truths unpacked in John 3:16, we have to start at the very beginning:

"For God..."

Who is this God? God cannot be limited to an understanding that can adequately be unpacked in a 40-minute sermon. We know that. But He also desires to be known. He has revealed to us who He is through His Word. He wants us to know Him, and He desires us to be known by Him.


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3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski 3:16, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Born Again

John 3:1-22 | Our greatest need isn't a self-help book that will teach us how to "get our life together". Our greatest need isn't a makeover. Our greatest need isn't a motivational speech that will spark our willpower for a time only for it to flame out again.

Our greatest need is to be born again!

What does it mean to be born again? What happens to us when we are born again? How are we born again? What awaits the one who is born again?

We'll unpack all of this. Now, if you think this is a sermon just for non-Christians... no way. These truths may be the most awe-inducing, worship-inspiring, current-Christian-sustaining truths we can tackle.


John 3:1-22 | Our greatest need isn't a self-help book that will teach us how to "get our life together". Our greatest need isn't a makeover. Our greatest need isn't a motivational speech that will spark our willpower for a time only for it to flame out again.

Our greatest need is to be born again!

What does it mean to be born again? What happens to us when we are born again? How are we born again? What awaits the one who is born again?

We'll unpack all of this. Now, if you think this is a sermon just for non-Christians... no way. These truths may be the most awe-inducing, worship-inspiring, current-Christian-sustaining truths we can tackle.


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Abide, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski Abide, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

This I Know...

2 Corinthians 5:13–21 | Have you ever met someone that appears to be “love-struck?" Do you know what I mean? You find this person “singing in the rain” or gazing at the moon "like a big pizza pie." We all have to admit that we tend to act a little crazy when we are in love, don’t we? In this week’s passage, Paul points out that it is not uncommon for people to think we have lost our minds when we are truly abiding in and reflecting on Jesus’ love for us. His love has the power to totally eclipse our lives and overcome our hearts in radical ways. The question Paul raises for us is, "Do we truly realize how much Jesus loves us?" 


2 Corinthians 5:13–21 | Have you ever met someone that appears to be “love-struck?" Do you know what I mean? You find this person “singing in the rain” or gazing at the moon "like a big pizza pie." We all have to admit that we tend to act a little crazy when we are in love, don’t we?

In this week’s passage, Paul points out that it is not uncommon for people to think we have lost our minds when we are truly abiding in and reflecting on Jesus’ love for us. His love has the power to totally eclipse our lives and overcome our hearts in radical ways.

The question Paul raises for us is, "Do we truly realize how much Jesus loves us?" 


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Abide, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Abide, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Abiding in Christ

John 15:1–11 | This is that time where countless New Year's resolutions are made... And a few weeks from now is the time when many of these resolutions are broken. As a year comes to an end, we naturally begin to think about what we want to do with the next one, but with every broken resolution, we are reminded that we don't possess the power to carry out many of the goals we make for ourselves. What if we spend so much time making good spiritual goals for 2019 but don't understand what needs to be true in our life in order to actually carry these out? Let's take the last message of the year and focus not on all the specific things we want to do, but on understanding what needs to be true in our life in order to do what God wants us to do. We'll talk about five powerful outcomes that will be true for our life if we will abide in Christ. This, more than anything else, may prepare us for 2019 to be one of the most fruitful year's for the Lord yet.  


John 15:1–11 | This is that time where countless New Year's resolutions are made... And a few weeks from now is the time when many of these resolutions are broken.

As a year comes to an end, we naturally begin to think about what we want to do with the next one, but with every broken resolution, we are reminded that we don't possess the power to carry out many of the goals we make for ourselves. What if we spend so much time making good spiritual goals for 2019 but don't understand what needs to be true in our life in order to actually carry these out?

Let's take the last message of the year and focus not on all the specific things we want to do, but on understanding what needs to be true in our life in order to do what God wants us to do.

We'll talk about five powerful outcomes that will be true for our life if we will abide in Christ. This, more than anything else, may prepare us for 2019 to be one of the most fruitful year's for the Lord yet.  


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The Awe of Christmas, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski The Awe of Christmas, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

The Awe of Christmas

John 1:1–14 | Often as we celebrate Christmas we focus exclusively on the manger scene and the birth of Christ. Obviously, isn't this what Christmas is about?

Yes, it is. But one thing we can't miss is who Jesus has always been before He was born as a baby in a feeding trough. Taking some time this Christmas to understand the theology of Jesus will lead us to greater worship as we fix our eyes on the birth of the King in a manger.

So let's celebrate Christmas as we look first at the pre-existent Jesus and then stand in awe of the implications of Him coming to earth!


John 1:1–14 | Often as we celebrate Christmas we focus exclusively on the manger scene and the birth of Christ. Obviously, isn't this what Christmas is about?

Yes, it is. But one thing we can't miss is who Jesus has always been before He was born as a baby in a feeding trough. Taking some time this Christmas to understand the theology of Jesus will lead us to greater worship as we fix our eyes on the birth of the King in a manger.

So let's celebrate Christmas as we look first at the pre-existent Jesus and then stand in awe of the implications of Him coming to earth!


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Acts (Review), Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Acts (Review), Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

What If We Pray?

Acts | The greatest way to see and experience the power of prayer is to... Ready for it...*Drumroll*To Pray! In this message, we ask the question, "What if we prayed?" What might God do through a group of humble, dependent followers of His who really believe firmly in the power of prayer?


Acts | The greatest way to see and experience the power of prayer is to... Ready for it...


To Pray!

In this message, we ask the question, "What if we prayed?" What might God do through a group of humble, dependent followers of His who really believe firmly in the power of prayer?


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Acts (Review), Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Acts (Review), Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

What If We Witness?

Acts | Some of the greatest breakthroughs, inventions, and history-shaping events have come about because someone was willing to ask, "What if...

In the next two weeks, we are going to focus in on the common themes of Acts we need to take with us as we close out this series. We are going to do this by asking, "What if..." on two specific themes we see undergirding all of Acts.

What if asking "what if" on these two topics can unleash the power in our lives and in our church that we read about in Acts?  What two themes from Acts will we ask "what if" about? And what if this will drive some things deep into our heart that will stay with us long after this series is done?

In this message, we ask the question, "What if we witness?"


Acts | Some of the greatest breakthroughs, inventions, and history-shaping events have come about because someone was willing to ask, "What if..."

In the next two weeks, we are going to focus in on the common themes of Acts we need to take with us as we close out this series. We are going to do this by asking, "What if..." on two specific themes we see undergirding all of Acts.

What if asking "what if" on these two topics can unleash the power in our lives and in our church that we read about in Acts?  What two themes from Acts will we ask "what if" about? And what if this will drive some things deep into our heart that will stay with us long after this series is done?

In this message, we ask the question, "What if we witness?"


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No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Minister Where I Am

Acts 28:1–31 | Ridicule. Beatings. Assassination attempts. Arrests. Shipwrecks. Stranded on an island. And now...bit by a snake. Yes, bit by a snake. It is hard to fathom everything Paul endured for the spread of the gospel, but maybe the most surprising of all is that he continued to press on. This week we find him stranded on an island and under guard in Rome. As we turn to the last chapter of the Book of Acts, we will learn what we are called to in seasons of life we feel stuck or stranded.


Acts 28:1–31 | Ridicule. Beatings. Assassination attempts. Arrests. Shipwrecks. Stranded on an island. And now...bit by a snake.

Yes, bit by a snake.

It is hard to fathom everything Paul endured for the spread of the gospel, but maybe the most surprising of all is that he continued to press on. This week we find him stranded on an island and under guard in Rome. As we turn to the last chapter of the Book of Acts, we will learn what we are called to in seasons of life we feel stuck or stranded.


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No Matter the Cost, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Joe Cotroneo Olivia Zurawski

Four Truth Anchors for Hopeless Storms

Acts 27:1–44 | Jesus taught us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Difficult circumstances will inevitably invade our lives. But Jesus also taught us in this same sentence to "take heart, because He has overcome the world." (John 16:33) This is such good news, but to be transparent, it is often very difficult to believe at times. Have you ever been in a situation that honestly just seemed absolutely hopeless? Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no way that your life will ever be the same? If anything, your future looks very bleak as a result of your current circumstance? Perhaps some of us are there right now. Here is a question this passage forces us to wrestle with: Is your fear of your circumstance greater than your faith in God? Think about that... If anxiety seems to have a permanent seat at your table, then you're not going to want to miss this message. God wants to realign your perspective on just how powerful He really is.


Acts 27:1–44 | Jesus taught us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Difficult circumstances will inevitably invade our lives. But Jesus also taught us in this same sentence to "take heart, because He has overcome the world." (John 16:33) This is such good news, but to be transparent, it is often very difficult to believe at times.

Have you ever been in a situation that honestly just seemed absolutely hopeless? Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no way that your life will ever be the same? If anything, your future looks very bleak as a result of your current circumstance? Perhaps some of us are there right now. Here is a question this passage forces us to wrestle with:

Is your fear of your circumstance greater than your faith in God? 

Think about that... If anxiety seems to have a permanent seat at your table, then you're not going to want to miss this message. God wants to realign your perspective on just how powerful He really is.


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No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Faith On Trial

Acts 22:1–26:32 | Follow Christ long enough and you will stumble into situations and circumstances in which you feel like your faith is on trial. Maybe it's an intellectual or academic setting where you feel all eyes are on you to defend why you believe Jesus is the Son of God. Maybe it's a conversation that turns to morals and ethics and you can feel the group wanting to know why you hold to such "antiquated ideas." Follow Jesus long enough and you will find your faith on trial. The next five chapters of the book of Acts are five defense speeches Paul gives with his faith on trial. We are going to zoom out and look at parts of all five of Paul's defense speeches and as we do, we are going to find Five Powerful Principles We Must Boldly Hold To When Our Faith is On Trial. This message will equip us for those conversations that feel like we have been put on the spot and we must have an answer for the hope we have in Christ.


Acts 22:1–26:32 | Follow Christ long enough and you will stumble into situations and circumstances in which you feel like your faith is on trial. Maybe it's an intellectual or academic setting where you feel all eyes are on you to defend why you believe Jesus is the Son of God. Maybe it's a conversation that turns to morals and ethics and you can feel the group wanting to know why you hold to such "antiquated ideas." Follow Jesus long enough and you will find your faith on trial.

The next five chapters of the book of Acts are five defense speeches Paul gives with his faith on trial. We are going to zoom out and look at parts of all five of Paul's defense speeches and as we do, we are going to find Five Powerful Principles We Must Boldly Hold To When Our Faith is On Trial.

This message will equip us for those conversations that feel like we have been put on the spot and we must have an answer for the hope we have in Christ.


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No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Decisions, The Spirit, and Well-Intentioned Counsel

Acts 21:1-16 | Not all counsel is good counsel. Sometimes even those who love us most don't give us the best advice. We should always seek counsel from fellow believers and wise people in our life, but we need to develop the ability to test and filter the responses we receive .In this week's passage, we watch as Paul continues his focused journey to Jerusalem, even after fellow Christians beg him not to go. Why doesn't he listen to their counsel on this? Why does he press on to Jerusalem when brothers and sisters in two different cities plead with him not to? Was this stubborn persistence on Paul's part in resisting his friend's advice, or was this firm resolve knowing what God had called him to? This passage will lead us to an important discussion on testing and discerning when the counsel we get is the right counsel from God!


Acts 21:1-16 | Not all counsel is good counsel. Sometimes even those who love us most don't give us the best advice. We should always seek counsel from fellow believers and wise people in our life, but we need to develop the ability to test and filter the responses we receive.

In this week's passage, we watch as Paul continues his focused journey to Jerusalem, even after fellow Christians beg him not to go. Why doesn't he listen to their counsel on this? Why does he press on to Jerusalem when brothers and sisters in two different cities plead with him not to? 

Was this stubborn persistence on Paul's part in resisting his friend's advice, or was this firm resolve knowing what God had called him to? This passage will lead us to an important discussion on testing and discerning when the counsel we get is the right counsel from God!


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No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski No Matter the Cost, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

How to Not Waste Your Life

Acts 20:17-38 | Let's get right to the point: Do you want to waste your life or not?

None of us want to waste our life, and fortunately for us, this passage in Acts tells us how to not waste it.

Enough said...


Acts 20:17-38 | Let's get right to the point: Do you want to waste your life or not?

None of us want to waste our life, and fortunately for us, this passage in Acts tells us how to not waste it.

Enough said...


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Reactions, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski Reactions, Brock Graham Olivia Zurawski

Disruptive People

Acts 19:21-41 | A disruption is defined as a disturbance that interrupts an event, activity, or process.

So the question is: Should a Christian ever be known as a disruptive person? Someone who creates a disturbance that interrupts?

In every city that Paul proclaims the gospel, a disruption happens. This week we look at one of the most volatile examples of this as a riot starts in Ephesus. As we study this, we will be encouraged to live a life of peaceful disruption for the glory of God. We will acknowledge that the nature of walking with Christ is to walk against the current of culture, and anytime we do this, disruption is inevitable.

We don't have to fear being a peacefully disruptive people in society. In fact, some of the greatest Kingdom influencers in the history of Christianity have been powerfully, yet peacefully disruptive forces in the hands of God.


Acts 19:21-41 | A disruption is defined as a disturbance that interrupts an event, activity, or process.

So the question is: Should a Christian ever be known as a disruptive person? Someone who creates a disturbance that interrupts?

In every city that Paul proclaims the gospel, a disruption happens. This week we look at one of the most volatile examples of this as a riot starts in Ephesus. As we study this, we will be encouraged to live a life of peaceful disruption for the glory of God. We will acknowledge that the nature of walking with Christ is to walk against the current of culture, and anytime we do this, disruption is inevitable.

We don't have to fear being a peacefully disruptive people in society. In fact, some of the greatest Kingdom influencers in the history of Christianity have been powerfully, yet peacefully disruptive forces in the hands of God.


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Reactions, Mark Wiley Olivia Zurawski Reactions, Mark Wiley Olivia Zurawski

The Power of the Name of Jesus

Acts 19:1-20 | Many of us have learned during our lives that there can be power in a name. There are few things more awkward than calling someone by the wrong name, but few things more beneficial than knowing the right names at the right times in the right circumstances.

As Christians, we know that there is one name that is above all names: Jesus. In fact, at Harvest, we often sing about the power of the name of Jesus. But what are some of the specific ways that this power is manifest in our lives?

In this message, we open God’s Word to Acts 19 and find Paul returning to the city of Ephesus as he begins his third missionary journey. And as Paul begins an extended time of ministry in Ephesus, we will see specifically how the name of Jesus has an extraordinary impact on individual lives as well as the entire region. One of the events, in particular, is definitely not something you will read about in the “Precious Moments Bible.”


Acts 19:1-20 | Many of us have learned during our lives that there can be power in a name. There are few things more awkward than calling someone by the wrong name, but few things more beneficial than knowing the right names at the right times in the right circumstances.

As Christians, we know that there is one name that is above all names: Jesus. In fact, at Harvest, we often sing about the power of the name of Jesus. But what are some of the specific ways that this power is manifest in our lives?

In this message, we open God’s Word to Acts 19 and find Paul returning to the city of Ephesus as he begins his third missionary journey. And as Paul begins an extended time of ministry in Ephesus, we will see specifically how the name of Jesus has an extraordinary impact on individual lives as well as the entire region. One of the events, in particular, is definitely not something you will read about in the “Precious Moments Bible.”


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