Do I Love The World?
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
I Am Beloved.
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken.
My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
Grow And You'll Know
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
The Propitiation For Our Sins
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
Confessing Sin
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
Walking In The Light
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
Jesus From Jump Street
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus!
He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
Background of 1 John
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
1 John | Assurance brings peace.
Assurance brings joy.
Assurance brings rest.
We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.”
This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ.
Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
More from this series:
1 John 5:13–21 | John has written an entire letter for believers to rest assured in their faith. This week, we bring the letter to a close, and as we do we should be asking: So what should I be walking away with from this study of 1 John?
John answers this in his closing verses with five restful assurances for the one who has believed in Jesus. Let's finish this book strong together.
1 John 5:6–12 | The most important decision of your life is whether you will believe Jesus is the Son of God who can save you from your sin. There it is, as direct as I can write it. This week's passage states this fact as simply, loving, and pointedly as God can state it.
So the question is: Have you believed Jesus is the Son of God and experienced life in Christ?
1 John 5:1–5 | Breakthrough (noun): a sudden and important development or an instance of achieving success in a particular activity.
I'm sure you've noticed that one of the recurring themes in the book of 1 John is love. Truthfully, it’s nearly impossible to study a chapter in 1 John without hearing about the love of God and a love for others. We’ve seen this beautiful picture of love presented throughout this series - a deep, selfless, unshakeable love that God commands and exemplifies. But how do we get to the place where we love like that?
1 John 4:13–21 | One of the key themes of 1 John is that true believers love one another. John has continued to make this point throughout the letter. And last week, as we studied verses 4:7-12, we saw the simple command to love one another in light of the audaciously gracious love of God. And while we can say “Amen” to that with our mouths and understand it in our heads, the reality is that many of us can struggle with this in one of two ways. The first struggle is that we can doubt that God can truly love us like that. And the second struggle is that we can despair that we are failing at loving others as God loves us. But John does not want us to despair or to question God’s love for us. He desperately wants to assure us of God’s love for us and His abiding in us which is evidenced by a confidence before God and a love for others.
1 John 4:7–12 | We know we are called as followers of Jesus to love one another, and we know that can be hard at times. This week, John tells us the source of the power of loving one another. And his explanation might surprise us.
1 John 4:1–6 | We learn this pretty early on in life: "Don't believe everything you hear!" We grow up learning to use discernment to separate truth from lies, right from wrong, real from fake.
This same simple saying needs to be applied to who we listen to and who we don't listen to on spiritual matters. This week's passage teaches us how to discern spiritual truths from spiritual errors. This week is an investment in our spiritual health to ensure we are getting our information about Jesus and what it means to follow Jesus from reliable sources.
1 John 3:19–24 | The battle to rest assured is won and lost in our hearts. We all know the loud megaphone a condemning heart can have, and how our internal wrestlings can mess with the assurance of our faith.
In this message, we look at a beautiful passage that helps a follower of Jesus quiet a condemning heart. Let's take the megaphone away from that loud internal voice of condemnation and enjoy the restful assurance of those who are in Christ.
1 John 3:11–18 | Marked: clearly noticeable. Evident. As the family of God, we are to be marked by certain things. We’ve seen consistently throughout the book of 1st John that we are to be marked by faith in the true Jesus. We’ve looked recently at the reality that we are to be marked by a pattern of righteousness and not one of continual sin. Now our attention shifts to love. Christians are to be marked by love. Jesus tells us that the world will know that we are part of the family of God by our love for each other.
1 John 3:4–10 | "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning..."Whoa. I read that soberly. I know of my sin struggles and where I see sin rear its ugly head in my life. I know I know Christ, but I also know I "keep sinning." But what does John mean here? What does he want us to understand about the person who persists in sin, makes a practice of it, keeps on sinning? What will John boldly tell us is true of this person's eternal reality? And how is this different from the sin struggles of the true Christian?
1 John 3:1–3 | Do you really deep down in the fabric of your being much Jesus loves you!
This week we will see what Jesus has done that allows us to know how much he loves us. This week we will see what he is doing that shows how much he loves us. This week we will see what he will do that shows us how much he loves us.
Need a fresh drink from the well of the Father's love for you?
1 John 2:18–29 | Read the headlines. Watch the news. Follow global events. Just look around. Everything seems heavy, sad, broken, and not getting any better. We are living in the last hour. But what does that mean? What does “last hour living” look like for the believer? How do we navigate so many against Christ in these days in a way that, well, models the peace and rest of Christ.
In this message, we'll talk about four restful reminders for last hour living.
1 John 2:15–17 | 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world." And from there it goes on to identify a very dire reality for anyone who does love the world.
But I'm confused... doesn't the most well-known verse of all time tell us that "God so loved the world?" So should we love the world or not love the world?
What is John saying here? What does it mean to not love the world in the way John means it? How do I even know if I do love the world in this way? And what's at stake if I am a lover of the world?
1 John 2:7–14 | I always enjoy hearing the stories of how people have come to know Jesus as their Lord. The stories usually have similar undertones as everyone comes to Jesus broken, crushed by the weight of their sin. Some people are more wrecked than others, some have an acute awareness of their condition before a holy God that causes alarm, but we all come to Jesus broken. My favorite part of the story is when they get to the place where Jesus transfers them from darkness to light, from broken to whole. There is always this moment of, "hallelujah" that erupts in my heart when I hear this part of the story. This is how it should be for God's children. God's children have a unique privilege to enjoy God in a way that no other creature in all of creation can. And this enjoying of God ought to have a revolutionary effect on our lives.
1 John 2:3–6 | When we were young, it was much easier to know that we know things. The confidence that comes from simple knowledge is undeniable. As a child, you didn’t say, “I think my daddy is a doctor.” You were confident, “My daddy is a doctor.” But as we age, it’s much harder to have that same confidence. We move from “I know I know.” to “I think I know.” to simply, “I think.” This happens as our world gets more complex and the explanations get harder to understand. And, unfortunately, this also happens with our faith.
I know that I know God. I think that I know God. I think about God.
This week as we continue our study in 1 John, we’re going to look at the marks of a true believer. What should be true of all of us, if we are truly in Jesus Christ? And most importantly, we’ll answer the question: How can you know that you know God?
1 John 2:1–2 | 1 John 2:2 made me look like a fool on a beach one time. Seriously. The revelation God gave as to what it meant for Christ to be the propitiation for my sin had me on my feet, jumping around, celebrating the MASSIVE implications it had for my life and for all who call on Christ to be saved.
So...what does it mean that Christ is the propitiation for our sins? Why does it matter? And how might the revelation of this sink into your heart in such a way that you too will look like a "worshipping fool" in your joyful response to it?
1 John 1:8–10 | We often run from the idea of confessing our sin. The lies build up in our head as to why concealing it is better than confessing it. We might offer up to God in generalities some broad sin struggle, but fight the notion of naming the specifics of our sin, and we really shudder at the thought of telling others about it.
This week we look at God's goodness and grace to us in giving us the means of confessing our sin. We're going to debunk a lie that tells us we don't need to confess. We're going to define what healthy confession looks like. We're going to destroy the hurdles that keep us from confessing. And we are going to determine to trust the character of God and promises of God for those who confess sin.
1 John 1:5–7 | God is light. We are told this in the word. This means that God's people are to walk in the light and their relationship with the Lord should be seen in their life. There is a scary possibility brought up in what we will study this week in that it's possible for people to say they have fellowship with God, to possibly even think they have fellowship with God, and yet still be walking in darkness.
So... what does it mean that God is light? What does it look like to walk in the light? How do we know if we are still walking in darkness? And the most important question for us to answer: How do we cross over from darkness to light?
1 John 1:1–4 | John wastes no time as he opens this letter. Page open. Pen in hand. Let’s talk about Jesus! He will tell us that it’s this Jesus and our right understanding of Jesus that will lead to fellowship with God and with each other. And this fellowship leads to our joy!
1 John | Assurance brings peace. Assurance brings joy. Assurance brings rest. We are about to embark on a journey through a letter in our Bible with this stated purpose: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” This letter seeks to provide corporate assurance to a group of believers and personal assurance to individual believers of what it looks like to be in Christ. Let’s go on the journey together and experience all of the blessings of knowing this rest-giving assurance of our standing in Christ.
The Good Portion
Luke 10:38-42 | Martha did what most of us would do if we were hosting Jesus...
Martha said what most of us would say if no one was helping us...
Martha asked Jesus what most of us would have asked Jesus, "Lord, don't you care that she isn't helping me??"
And yet Jesus tells us Mary had chosen the good portion, and there is a lesson we cannot miss. It's possible for us to get so busy, so distracted, so anxious and troubled trying to do all these things for Jesus that we forget He has really invited us to first come and sit in His presence.
Let's look together at how we avoid the tyranny of "distracted doing" and instead choose the good portion of being in the presence of Jesus.
Luke 10:38-42 | Martha did what most of us would do if we were hosting Jesus...
Martha said what most of us would say if no one was helping us...
Martha asked Jesus what most of us would have asked Jesus, "Lord, don't you care that she isn't helping me??"
And yet Jesus tells us Mary had chosen the good portion, and there is a lesson we cannot miss. It's possible for us to get so busy, so distracted, so anxious and troubled trying to do all these things for Jesus that we forget He has really invited us to first come and sit in His presence.
Let's look together at how we avoid the tyranny of "distracted doing" and instead choose the good portion of being in the presence of Jesus.
In Sorrow and In Suffering
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament.
The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future.
In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
God Our Refuge
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
When Trusting The LORD Is Hard
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come?
The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you."
Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
Freedom From The Fear Of Man
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's.
Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
Good, Bad, Or Ugly... I Will Bless The Lord
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
Our Fortress and Our Fears
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
More from this series:
Psalm 88:1-18 | What comes to mind when you think of the word lament? We typically use the word in expressing sorrow or regret. For example, “I’m lamenting that I didn’t join them for the weekend retreat,” or “I lament the loss of our friendship.” However, lament is a specific language that God has given us to bring our sorrows before Him. In fact, the Bible is full of examples of lament. A full 1/3 of the Psalms are considered Psalms of lament. The reality is that life is hard, and we will face trouble and sorrow on this earth, and yet we look forward to a time when we will dwell with God, where there will be no more tears and no more suffering. But until then, lament is a language given to us by God to navigate the reality of the present with the promise of the future. In this message, we study one of the darkest and saddest Psalms of lament in the Bible. And yet, we will find in this Psalm some surprising truths that will lead us to trust and hope in the sovereign God of our eternal salvation, even in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Psalm 16:1-11 | Growing up I was blessed with a wonderful father. He was a very nice man, loved Jesus (When he got saved around my teen years), and loved his family. While being the great man that he was, he also was a man that you did not want to mess with. He is the only human I know who had a healthy balance of being loveable, yet intimidating. My father holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, Brown belt in judo, spent years teaching firearm classes, can break bricks with his bare hands, and he's BALD! (Because being bald adds an element of toughness that just isn’t fair). He reminds me of Denzel Washington in “Equalizer”, a mysterious man who leads a normal life.
With all of this being said, my father made me feel safe. No matter if a grown man was harassing our family or a hurricane was coming with the capabilities to potentially blow over our house, I knew everything was going to be okay because he was there to bring protection. There is no way I would replace him with any other dad in the world. He was a refuge for my family and I growing up.
Likewise, God is our refuge. He is a place that we can run to and find protection and peace, no matter the circumstance. We wouldn’t want to trade that relationship for anything in the world, no matter how strong the pull of temptation is to do so. In this message, we will look at three benefits of having God as our refuge.
- Pastor Cory
Psalm 125:1-5 | In this life, we will always come across opposition or obstacles. And most of the time we anticipate this. But what do you do when you find that your opposition or obstacle isn’t going away? Or the breakthrough you have been asking the LORD for doesn’t seem to come? The scary reality is that when these times come, we sometimes can sense our trust in Jesus beginning to waver. And it must be noted that this is when Satan often moves in closer to whisper lies to us like, "God isn't there with you," "God doesn't care about you," or "God is holding out on you." Can you relate? We will open up God's Word together and look through the portals of time and see what previous generations of God's children did to experience unshakable trust in the LORD in the midst of unstable times in their lives.
Psalm 56:1-13 | Proverbs warns us that the fear of man is a snare in our life, and yet I think all of us have struggled at times with fearing man more than God or seeking man's approval above God's. Some of us may even be controlled by the fear of man. Maybe for you, it's as if someone has strings connected to your back, puppeteering your every move through life as you live too afraid to say no or stand up for what you ultimately know God would want.
How do we have victory over the fear of man? How do we walk in the freedom of a God-fearing life, not controlled by the trap that is the fear of man?
Psalm 34:1-22 | When we think about blessings and the Lord we often think about how the Lord blesses us. What does it mean for us to bless the Lord? In the first line of Psalm 34, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times..."
What does it mean to bless the Lord? And why is the Lord worthy of our lives being lived as an offering of blessing back to Him?
Psalm 27:1-14 | We are all scared of something. Come on, admit it. The toughest person who walks into church on Sunday is scared of something. Fear can manifest in our life as a subtle undercurrent of worry and anxiety or it can manifest as an ever-present crippling paralysis.
In this message, we look at one fear crushing reminder and 5 outcomes for our life when our heart is clinging to this reminder!
So...let's walk away from this like Kevin from Home Alone walked down his front sidewalk shouting, "I'm not afraid anymore! Did you hear me? I'm not afraid anymore!"
Be The Light
Matthew 5:14-16 | We are so excited about the work God is already doing and will continue to do through CB and Beacon in Downtown Denver. Denver is literally a "city on a hill," and we are praying that the Lord shines His light brightly in that place.
CB Barthlow is the Planting Pastor of Beacon in Denver, CO.
Matthew 5:14-16 | We are so excited about the work God is already doing and will continue to do through CB and Beacon in Downtown Denver. Denver is literally a "city on a hill," and we are praying that the Lord shines His light brightly in that place.
CB Barthlow is the Planting Pastor of Beacon in Denver, CO.
God's Plan To Change The World
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
More from this series:
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything. The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
Ephesians 4:17–32 | The moment we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have a new identity, a new heart, and a brand new nature. And yet, scripture tells us that we also grow in our new life. The longer we follow Jesus, the more we are to be growing into looking more and more like Him.
So some questions: Are you growing in Christ? What does this growth look like? And maybe most importantly, how do you grow spiritually?
In this message we look at the broad, but crucial, vital sign of spiritual growth and seek to gain a better understanding of how spiritual growth happens in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17–18 | The beginning of a Doctor's visit usually looks the same.
Blood pressure cuff...
A doctor starts nearly every appointment the same way. They check your vitals. They can tell a lot about our basic health by quickly checking just a few things on us physically.
This is the beginning of a series where we'll ask, "What are the vital signs of a healthy walk with Jesus?" For 6 weeks we will discover some vital signs scripture would identify as indicators of health in our walk with Christ.
Disciples Making Disciples
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything. The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything.
The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
More from this series:
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything. The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
Ephesians 4:17–32 | The moment we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have a new identity, a new heart, and a brand new nature. And yet, scripture tells us that we also grow in our new life. The longer we follow Jesus, the more we are to be growing into looking more and more like Him.
So some questions: Are you growing in Christ? What does this growth look like? And maybe most importantly, how do you grow spiritually?
In this message we look at the broad, but crucial, vital sign of spiritual growth and seek to gain a better understanding of how spiritual growth happens in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17–18 | The beginning of a Doctor's visit usually looks the same.
Blood pressure cuff...
A doctor starts nearly every appointment the same way. They check your vitals. They can tell a lot about our basic health by quickly checking just a few things on us physically.
This is the beginning of a series where we'll ask, "What are the vital signs of a healthy walk with Jesus?" For 6 weeks we will discover some vital signs scripture would identify as indicators of health in our walk with Christ.
The Joy of Gospel Witness
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
More from this series:
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything. The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
Ephesians 4:17–32 | The moment we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have a new identity, a new heart, and a brand new nature. And yet, scripture tells us that we also grow in our new life. The longer we follow Jesus, the more we are to be growing into looking more and more like Him.
So some questions: Are you growing in Christ? What does this growth look like? And maybe most importantly, how do you grow spiritually?
In this message we look at the broad, but crucial, vital sign of spiritual growth and seek to gain a better understanding of how spiritual growth happens in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17–18 | The beginning of a Doctor's visit usually looks the same.
Blood pressure cuff...
A doctor starts nearly every appointment the same way. They check your vitals. They can tell a lot about our basic health by quickly checking just a few things on us physically.
This is the beginning of a series where we'll ask, "What are the vital signs of a healthy walk with Jesus?" For 6 weeks we will discover some vital signs scripture would identify as indicators of health in our walk with Christ.
For the Good of the Body
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
More from this series:
Mark 4:26-28 | What is the natural result of disciples making disciples? What happens when disciples of Jesus are committed to reproducing other disciples? Reproducing disciples will result in reproducing churches! When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
As we come to the end of our Vitals series, we begin to shift our attention not just on the health of the individual Jesus follower but the health of the gathering of Jesus followers- The Church. Part of being a healthy Jesus follower is participating in a local expression of the body of Christ. And part of what makes a healthy church is a multiplying church.
Matthew 28:16-20 | At the end of the book of Matthew, we find what every Christian knows to be called “The Great Commission”. It’s this commission from Jesus that is life-shaping! When we see what Christ has invited us into—disciples made all over the globe—it changes the way we do everything. The vital sign of vital signs for disciples of Jesus is our joyful faithfulness to make more disciples of Jesus!
Romans 10:13-15 | We talk about what we love. We share what has thrilled our heart. We pass on to others things that have changed our life.
If we have a red-hot walk with Christ we have to tell others about it. In this message we look at the vital sign of gospel witness. Someone walking intimately with the Savior can't NOT tell other people about Him.
Let's stoke the fire for Jesus, our love for the lost, and our urgency to share the good news of what He has done.
1 Corinthians 12:1–31 | We love to watch when multiple people work together to accomplish something great. We watch teams, orchestras, choirs, and plays where every individual is doing their part, using their gifts, and fulfilling their role to be a piece of something much bigger than themselves.
The church is the most beautiful picture on the face of the earth in this regard. Each person in the church has gifts and roles given to them that must be used for the good of the whole. And what makes this more amazing than a sport or choir or orchestra or play? Each of our roles is given to us directly by the Spirit of God AND it means we get a role in building up the church which is taking the gospel to the ends of the earth to the glory of God. What could be more exciting to be a part of?
A healthy walk in Christ is one in which we are using the gifts given to us by God. This week, we look at the vital sign of spiritual gifts and ask: Do I know my gifts? Am I using my gifts? Have I experienced the joy and fulfillment of playing my part so that the church as a whole can thrive?
Ephesians 4:17–32 | The moment we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have a new identity, a new heart, and a brand new nature. And yet, scripture tells us that we also grow in our new life. The longer we follow Jesus, the more we are to be growing into looking more and more like Him.
So some questions: Are you growing in Christ? What does this growth look like? And maybe most importantly, how do you grow spiritually?
In this message we look at the broad, but crucial, vital sign of spiritual growth and seek to gain a better understanding of how spiritual growth happens in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17–18 | The beginning of a Doctor's visit usually looks the same.
Blood pressure cuff...
A doctor starts nearly every appointment the same way. They check your vitals. They can tell a lot about our basic health by quickly checking just a few things on us physically.
This is the beginning of a series where we'll ask, "What are the vital signs of a healthy walk with Jesus?" For 6 weeks we will discover some vital signs scripture would identify as indicators of health in our walk with Christ.